Another Picture

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Irene sat down on her bed, tired from the constant schedules that had flooded her recent days. She wasn't complaining, everything she wanted to do, she was doing. She was finally able to challenge herself and break out the mould that society had carved around her as just being a visual. She looked down to her phone, she had only managed two hours of sleep with the constant back and forth and so she was glad to be back in the covers that provided her warmth. She looked down at her phone, seeing a series of messages rush onto her lock screen, her eyes widened, and eye brows scrunched up as she looked down towards her phone, seeing messages, from Jennie,Lisa, Rosè, Jisoo, Tiffany, Amber and of course her girls. She straightened up slightly, shuffling to sit up. Her eyes widening when she saw the picture. Her breath caught in her throat, heart thumping loudly seeing him with his head designer. She stifled the gasp that wished to emit from the depths of her throat as she looked closer. She could faintly see Brandon in the back and what looked like Henry not too far away, but her eyes refused to fall away from the first half of the image. He stood alongside her, dressed casually and looking straight but he was not what caught her eyes. She was. Standing next to him in black dress, that looked far more impractical for a Disney land trip. Her hair was pushed back as if she had put effort into her outfit and it was exactly that as well as the way the others stood behind them that made her mind conclude they were on a date. She scrolled through the messages that were tagged alongside the image but nothing was confirmed. She knew she shouldn't feel like this, he didn't owe her anything. Yet it hurt all the more. She looked down at the messages that kept pouring through, but she did not have the heart to respond to any of them. She switched off her phone, head falling to her pillow as she stared up at her ceiling, eyes lining with tears that she was desperately trying to restrict. What they had was nothing more then a few nights. What they had was a constant hit and miss. What they had was genuine feelings at the wrong time. Things were rare between them, almost scarce. And in some respects they were both to blame for that. They messaged religiously, and they talked as much as they could but sometimes it wasn't enough for either of them. She wouldn't be surprised if he had found someone else. Even if he had said countless of times that he doesn't have time for a relationship in public, she knew anything was possible. Just like her own feelings, when it comes to love it can't be tamed. She sighed, her head burying itself
Into the pillow. It always hurt when this happened. Even if he said to her he was willing to wait, even if he said that they'll find their chance someday her hope was diminishing every single second. First it had been the influencer on Instagram that he was chatting too and even if it hurt she tried not to make a big deal out of it because he didn't owe her anything. But this time she couldn't stop the way her heart ached even with the best will In the world, she couldn't. She was hurt. She felt betrayed, as if she had been made a fool off. If he had someone else why didn't he tell her that when he messaged her to congratulate her on the subunit. If he had someone why didn't he mention it when she messaged to congratulate him on the release of team Wang. She sighed, her eyes closing. She was so fucking tired yet once again because of him, sleep was adamant to evade her. She tossed and turned for half an hour, her legs becoming restless as she kicked at the duvet, a small whimper escaping her lips. She looked towards her phone finally switching it on, and deciding to reply to the people she aired in a fit of pain. Just as she finished her phone went of with another notification.

From Jackson
Hey Bae, I saw your music video for naughty and then your solo. I'm impressed. You've out done yourself. Congratulations, we will celebrate together soon. Okay?

Irene stared at the message leaving it on read and turning away from her phone, only to be jolted by her phone suddenly ringing. She looked at it, seeing his identification pop up. Suppressing the eye roll she let it ring out, a string of messages flooding through her lock screen.

From Jackson
Why did you leave me on read?
Is everything okay?
Why aren't you answering the phone?
God Bae tell me you're okay. I'm getting worried.

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