Idol radio - Monster

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Idol radio- Monster

Irene sat alongside seulgi across from Youngjae who smiled brightly at the two. She flipped her hair past her shoulder as they greeted each other with smiles and small words. She looked towards her manager who gave her a thumbs up signalling that this was the start of another two painful hours for her. She stretched her back, wincing as it clicked, her hand moving to the base to massage it gently as Youngjae addresses them enthusiastically. "And next today we have two very special guests. Coming back with a subunit debut with their title track monster we have Irene and Seulgi Noona here only on idol radio...woooooo." Irene laughed softly as everyone hyped them up. Her and Seulgi shared a look, as they turned back to Youngjae waiting for the interview to start. Youngjae looked towards them with a cheeky smile. "Actually since the boys of Got7 are all fans of red velvet and were really excited for this comeback, they asked to join..." he trailed off, Yugyeom and Bambam barging  in with big smiles on their faces, as JB and Jinyoung respectively hit them slightly for their entrance. Mark looked towards Irene shaking his head slightly as the girls broke out into fits of laughter standing to greet the four boys. JB walked towards Seulgi handing her some flowers as the rest of them took the piss. Irene laughed as they all settled in their seats. "Where's mine?" She asked with a cute pout, she watched as they all shared a look. "Your gift is on its way." She huffed cutely. "Is it Tteok-bokki?" The boys laughed at her. "Yeah it is? How did you know?" She smiled brightly, "you're all my favourites now." "Just because of that." Asked Yugyeom. "Of course. It's my first love." They broke out into fits of laughter as Youngjae attempted to restart the interview. "So irene and seulgi Noona, you both released a subunit that had exceeded everyone's expectations. You've broken countless records and are deemed the best subunit, how does it feel?" "Irene Unnie?" Seulgi prompted as Irene leaned forward slightly. "We were really nervous about how this would be received honestly. We faced many set backs and we were like what the hell is going on. Like fans we were also extremely annoyed about the delays and that added to the anxiety because we were unsure what would happen. We are relieved and blessed that the subunit has taken off well and we hope that we can do more in the future." They smiled at each other. "You guys released an amazing music video-" began Youngjae only to be cut off by Bambam. "Really. It was amazing. You both looked stunning." Irene and Seulgi cackled as they guys laughed alongside them, Irene shuffled in her seat. "Thank you Bam." She said as she turned back to Youngjae who was staring at Bambam with an unimpressed look for cutting him off. "Anyway before I was rudely interrupted. Could you maybe shed some light onto the storyline behind it?" Seulgi fiddled with the mic as she looked towards Irene who shook her head slightly. "The story behind it is centred around victim or prey and predator. So at the start you see me being controlled by Seulgi who thinks she is the monster, and so she sets her eyes on making me her prey, and you can see how she's trying to embrace me as hers to make me commit evil crimes but she underestimated my power and what I am, and so the roles start to reverse and after a small battle essentially I come out on top." Irene looked around laughing at the agape mouths of the boys. "Wow. That just changed me perspective on life." Said yugyeom in a trance, the others laughing loudly as they discussed some more stuff about the comeback. "Where's my Tteok-bokki?" She asked "I want my food." She whined. "You give Seul flowers and me nothing! I'm hurt! Not fair, she's clearly your favourite." Seulgi looked at her. "Are we sure you're 30? I think the birth certificate is wrong." She slapped her arm as the others laughed. "It's on the way Noona, we ordered it from a far place." "What China?" She bit her lip for her slip of tongue as the others howled with laughter as she face palmed. "Moving swiftly on..." she prompted as they all continued to laugh, a small smile gracing her own features. She looked back at the boys, as not by the moon finished playing. The girls clapped as the guys blushed slightly. "One of my favourites." Seulgi stated, looking towards JB as the two exchanged smiles. Irene coughed loudly causing the rest to laugh but also agreed. "The album was amazing. definitely one of my favourites." She confirmed. Jinyoung moved forward. "What's your favourite song?" Seulgi rushed you answer first. "Crazy." Again her and JB shared a look whilst the rest shook their head in disbelief about how apparent they being. Irene rolled her eyes slightly. "I'm stuck between Aura and poison. Aura is like a driving or like party vibe but poison just hits differently...definitely a daddy song." Mark choked on the air as she laughed high fiving seulgi as the two cracked up at the flushed faces of the boys. Yugyeom looked at Irene with a smirk. "Mirroring Jack's words Noona." Jinyoung quickly whacked him in the arm as Irene smirked at him. "Well he isn't wrong is he?" She laughed again at the horrified look on his face passing him a wink that had him whining child. "Irene." Her manager warned. She sighed signalling that she will stop as she turned back to the mic, the eight of them laughing and joking. "So we have something else to ask you, we noticed that naughty was not released on streaming platforms. When can we expect it?" "So the plan for this was to essentially release it as a single after promotions for monster. We will be promoting it and a music video will also be released as a thank you to fans for the patience and respect with us not being together as five." The guys nodded. "How is Wendy?" Mark chipped in. They all turned to him with smirks on their faces as he shuffled under their gazes. "She's doing better. It's just we don't want to rush her comeback until she 100% because when we comeback we want to pour our hearts and souls into it. Every single piece of criticism  that we received we want to make them eat their words and so we are waiting for the right time. So whilst we wait we are turning to our solo careers so we can continue to make a name for ourselves and establish ourselves better." Irene finished. "But you're already the nations pride." Said Jinyoung. "But there's things that we wanted to try alone. As red velvet we have achieved a lot but I think we now all want to make names for ourselves to make RedVelvet shine brighter."

The boys smiled. "Also don't think I've forgotten about my food." JB looked down at his phone, his eyes widening as he nudged Jinyoung. "It's here." Irene squealed causing them to laugh as they stood up, the boys and seulgi sharing looks of amusement as Irene clapped her hands. Jinyoung opened the door, and behind it stood Jackson. Irene gasped softly, a smile brightening on her face as he walked further in, his eyes catching hers, as he passed her a tired smile. She stood up, the rest of them following as they looked between the two. Irene's eyes softening as she looked him over. He looked tired, as if he hadn't slept in days and she knew he hadn't. He was too busy with making sure that team Wang released cookies on the 18th and on top of that his schedule was packed with other works. She looked at him, suppressing the sob. It had been months since they had seen each other. Her feet shuffled forward slightly before hesitating, her feet stopping as he watched her intently. God he had missed her. And here she stood in front of him after months looking ethereal in an oversized hoodie that he recognised as his own. He held flowers in one hand, specifically her favourite red roses and in the other he held her favourite food. Her eyes catching both as she smiled softly to herself. Silence resonated in the room as Irene finally walked closer Jackson taking another step until she cheekily rushed to take the food. "Finally." She squealed causing everyone but Jackson to laugh. She looked up at him placing the food down gently. "I'm joking bubs." She whispered lowly smiling at him, she turned slightly noticing the camera that was perched recording the interview but she didn't care anymore. She stepped closer, her arms wrapping around his torso, as she rested her head against his chest. His arms wrapped around her holding her closer. "I've missed you Babygirl." He whispered softly, his eyes casting up to his friends who smiled brightly at him. "I've missed you too." She hugged him tighter for a second before stepping back as he handed her over the flowers. She smiled, taking them as his hand hovered her waist leading her back to her chair before taking a seat besides her. He smiled at her softly as they continued the interview, his eyes never leaving hers as his hand moved under the table grabbing hers. She turned slightly to reprimand him but with the smile he directed her, she stopped and smiled intertwining their hands.

Half an hour later they interview finished and they all stood out side as they greeted each other goodbye, Seulgi and JB leaving respectively as Irene turned to Jackson. "Let go home." She whispered.
Taking his hand. He smiled as they walked to his car, with him opening her door as she turned back smiling nearly hitting her head, until he placed his hand in the way, just in time. She paused taking his hand and rubbing it. "I'm sorry bubs. Does it hurt?" She assessed it as he watched her, her eyes brows tense and hair brushing with the wind. He pulled her chin up gently, his head moving closer as he claimed her lips. She moaned against him slightly her arms wrapping around his shoulders, her hand ghosting the nape of his neck to pull him closer, his arms now holding her waist as he continued. They parted moments later, smiles dancing on their faces. "Let's go home." He said...

The end

Authors note:
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this one. We were robbed of a gotvelvet interaction through idol radio but I hope this makes up for it. Let me know what your thoughts are, REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN, lots of love and best wishes. Stay safe x

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