Tequila Sunrise

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I don't feel like arguin' tonight with you, with you

Jackson could see her from the corner of his eye. Sitting at the edge of the bed in a black crisp dress that did wanders to her body. Yet her features were sad, another round of arguments had been thrown between the two tonight. The same stuff it had been for months. Him not being there as much. And just like always, the fights escalated. Both of them trying to hold onto excuses and drawing weapons from previous fights. He could see the trail of her mascara that leaked from her lotus like eyes, and the way her lips quivered slightly as she played with her hands. This is what usually conspired after an argument. Silence. Until they were willing to look at each other in the eye again.

Just wanna be the best that I can be for you

He continues to watch in silence, but the one thing he had always hated was her tears. The pain it caused his heart was unparalleled, and it was at times like this when he couldn't understand why they argued, but then he remembered. She wasn't his. And he wasn't hers. Not officially. What they had was a silent agreement, a secret somewhat even from themselves. But all he wanted was to be good enough for her. Everything he did, from the crazy schedules to the back to back recordings he did for her. He wanted to be the very best version of himself for her. Because this woman in front of him didn't deserve anything less than that. He wanted to be more for her. Too protect her. Too love her when the time was right.

Drinkin' tequila sunrise while the sun risin' (yeah)

And when they would make up, just like tonight they would order her favourite drink. Tequila Sunrise. They would put aside the words they hurled at each other just to enjoy the moments that had been gifted to them because the fact of the matter was they were rare. Almost scarce. And it was because there lay no officiality between them. They weren't bound to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend. They just loved when the time was right, running back to each other whenever they could. And these were the best moments they shared. Sipping on the liquid whilst talking and loving in between the hours they shared, waiting for the beautiful view they were blessed with each time. The sun rising. Marking a dawn of them.

I know what you like

He knew her like the back of his hand. Better even. All of her likes and dislikes, her preferences. Her true character. He knew it all, because she trusted him enough to share that side of her with him. In fact he always took intense care in listening to her, it was a trait that he had carried throughout all relationships, but listening to her was his favourite thing, her voice angelic and soothing with a spark of wisdom every now and then. And everyday he felt more then privileged to know the woman that lay under the persona of Irene Bae. Bae Joohyun.

I could probably give it all to you on side (on side)

She had always been wild. And so had he. After all he was defined as wild and sexy. And every single time, he gave it to her just how she liked it. He was a generous lover, pleasuring her the way she deserved taking her respectfully, because even if the titles were never spoken out loud. He loved her. He had fallen in love with her. And when he loved, he loved with his entire heart, mind and soul.

Take your time, we could do this all night (alright)

He never rushed her. And it was something that Irene had always loved. His gentle nature was loving and caring and more importantly it provided her with the security she had always sought for. Jackson would never do anything to hurt her. He always ensured she was comfortable, he always ensured that she was on the receiving end of the pleasure because god he loved worshipping her like the goddess she was. And every time their bodies tangled he was adamant to make the moment last. Because in each other's arms. Time stopped. Even if it was for a few hours, she was his distraction from work, from his ambitions and dreams to be more. Within those hours they spent loving he ran after his first dream. The first dream his heart had breathed when he first lay eyes on her. To make her his. And on the occasions where they lay in the sheets, tangled in each other, they made the moment last for the entire night until it was time to turn back to reality.

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