Him Her and Another...

253 11 118

Requested by: @Xanda_gl  hope you enjoy it ;)
Prompt: Jackrene and Markerne love triangle

Jackson sat in his Team Wang empire, his eyes casting down to his phone noticing  the notification that had just popped onto his lock screen. Still a picture of her silhouette. He grabbed his phone, his eyes darting to the identification and when he saw it, his heart stopped, his breath catching in his throat within seconds, because there stood a blast from the past he wasn't expecting. Not with the way they fell apart. He breathed in, his throat suddenly becoming dry as he reread the name trying to grasp on to it, trying to make sure that this was real and not another fragment of his imagination, like all the other times his mind and heart had conspired against him. And this time it was real. His mind and heart shunned into silence as they watched their master carefully. The woman that hadn't left his thoughts for a moment. A woman that he was still very much in love with, had just messaged after months of zero communication. His hands began to tremble slightly, the only time they would being in sight of her. His eyes closed momentarily trying and failing to will an ember of courage from the depths of his now dormant heart, until finally he felt himself open it in a trance. She had exchanged short pleasantries; and he could practically hear the shyness from where he was. She hasn't changed, and for that he was glad. He smiled slightly letting his eyes run over the words she had typed finding himself smile until it dropped. And there lay the words he was dreading. 'I'm getting married. Will you be there? I need you there Jack. I miss you. I miss my best friend.' He found himself suffocating as he typed a response back. 'I'm happy for you.' But the tear drops on his screen said otherwise as he found himself now choking on a string of sobs. A king without his destined queen, standing in the empire he had built to give her everything she deserved because in his eyes she was nothing but a goddess, a goddess who deserved to have the world at her feet. He knew she was more than capable in getting it herself, it was one thing that he loved about her and yet in wanting to give it to her, they ended up on opposite sides of the world he was trying to conquer for her. He stood up, moving to stand in front of the large window, his tears blurring his vision as he looked down at the city of Shanghai. Home. That wasn't true. His home was in her arms. It had been from the moment she walked towards him in a white dress, walking towards him with a shy yet beautiful smile as he stood besides her, his sharp red suit contrasting that of her pure white. And that had always been them. Opposites. Yin and Yang, and it was exactly that, that made them so perfect. They challenged each other, they helped each other shape themselves into the very best versions of themselves, because that is exactly what love is. Loving and learning. And together that is exactly what they did. The short moments between them, the little glances away from cameras, the short hand touches as they walked past each other and kisses stolen at the right time made their relationship so beautiful. They were perfect, everyone bowing down to the love the two shared despite the hardships within their industry, designed to test them to their limits, and yet at every hurdle they dealt with it together.

Until things fell apart.

In hindsight it was no ones fault. Life had caught up with them, and that was the reality. He was busy and she, equally. And that's what made them destined to fall apart, yet neither understood that between soulmates a invisible thread held them together. After all they were destined, inevitable. The thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break, yet his heart lay broken along side hers. He wished he could hate the one who now held her hand, who know passed her kisses, the one who marked the skin he had once done, the one who erased his touch completely, but he couldn't. Not when it was his own brother, Mark. He gulped down the poison, the sensation burning his heart as he looked at the storm that ensued from the sky above him. He bit his lip slightly, feeling the storm in his own eyes as he closed his eyes. Mark and Irene were different. He had the one thing he didn't. And that was time. He was always there physically and ultimately that was what he lacked. He cursed under his breath. They weren't like Jackson and Irene. They couldn't be, not when her heart was tied to his, but Jackson deluded himself into believing that Mark was the one for her. Because in his own eyes he was unworthy of her. He leaned his head against the cool glass. He saw the way she smiled with him, and despite the trials and tribulations that the industry brought with it, they had done the one thing Irene and Jackson hadn't. Survive. He punched against the window as Henry walked in, watching his brother break, his own heart constricting at the sight as Jackson fell back in his chair. Henry walked towards him, placing a hand on his head as Jackson looked up to him, and he couldn't help but gasp, because he couldn't, no, he refused to believe that this man, this broken man in front of him was Jackson Wang. "I lost her." He spoke his voice cracking, and Henry found himself at a loss of words as he pulled Jackson into his embrace hoping that he could dim the pain just a fraction, but he knew, there was nothing worse then heartbreak.

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