Reaching out

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Jackson looked down at his phone after finishing his radio interview with US stations. He sighed walking out the bathroom, opening his laptop to resume his work, he was currently working on the team Wang fashion label, looking over some final designs. He had prepared a lot for his fans, and he couldn't wait to showcase his plans to the world. He leaned back into his bed, the laptop on his legs as he typed away. Some emails, some schedules, he had always been this busy. His phone went off moments later. Jackson tore his gaze away from the screen, reaching over to the side table to reach out for his phone.

From Seulgi Kang
Hi Jack, hope your doing well in China, I know how busy you are but if you have the chance can you maybe check in on Rene?

From Jackson Wang
Hey Seul I'm good thank you. Hope your well too, I'll make the time, is she okay? What's happened?

From Seulgi Kang
I'm good, I'm just worried about Rene, something happened on lysn but she won't talk to anyone about what was said, we tried to get her talk to us, wends even phoned her from Canada but she is refusing to tell us.

From Jackson Wang
Leave it to me Seul, I'll call her in a bit.

From Seulgi Kang
Thank you.

Jackson sighed, turning back to his screen, rushing to type the last of the email so that he could talk to her. His hands worked furiously against the keyboard the back of his mind replaying thoughts surrounding her. It took him about ten minutes to finish it. It would have been five but thoughts of her began to plague his mind to the point he had to stop himself a few times. Finally hitting send, he closed the laptop and placed it on the side, before moving to message her.

From Jack 💜
Hey Bae. It's been awhile. How are you doing?

Irene sat up from her bed, staring at the message in disbelief, it had been months since they had last conversed and just when she was on the verge of breaking he had swooped in yet again. And he always managed to do just that. She was contemplating leaving it, to not bother messaging him back but ultimately she had missed him. She had missed him a lot. She hesitated, her hands hovering over the screen as she bit her lip.

From Irene ❤️
Hey jack. I'm fine. How are you? How's things in China?

From Jack 💜
I'm good Rene, things are good, it's nice to be home.

From Irene ❤️
That's good to hear. Congratulations with 100 ways by the way. It's amazing.

From Jack 💜
You listened to it?

From Irene ❤️
It's being played everywhere. SM has been playing it back to back. I loved it, it's made the playlist.

From Jack 💜
I'm glad you like it. That means a lot Bae.
Now tell me what's going on?

From Irene ❤️
Wang nothing is wrong. I'm fine.

From Jack 💜
I thought we got past the lying?
Talk to me Rene.
What's going on?

From Irene ❤️
It's stupid.

From Jack 💜
If it's hurt you, then it's not stupid. I've told you before, your entitled to your emotions Rene. Feel what you feel, there's nothing wrong with that.

From Irene ❤️
I know

From Jack 💜
So tell me what's happened.

From Irene ❤️
I'm stressed. The subunit was supposed to be released on the 15th, and fans are now getting impatient, anti fans are now messaging me as well, saying that we are cowards for hiding. I just don't want to hear it.

From Jack 💜
Log out of your account of lysn. Don't look at it Rene, you do not need the aggravation. Your doing amazing, just hold on.

From Irene ❤️

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