If you do

202 7 57

Requested by:gaeteol
Prompt: Got7 'If you do'

If you do it, it's GOOD, if I do it, it's the end

How can you said I'm wrong every day?You only want to win, tears are your ultimate weapon
He doesn't remember how things suddenly changed. He couldn't tell you how swiftly it happened yet all of a sudden they fall without even realising. She becomes different. Far from the woman he loved and he can't pinpoint how it happened. The toxicity that coursed through the veins of their relationship transported poison to every single fibre within their bodies. A spurt of disease know as love turning dark. He had noticed her temperamental behavior, the way her double standards increased, the way she would lash out to the point where things would become unsalvageable, the constant taunts and snide remarks she would throw...she wasn't the woman he loved, and he feared he had lost her. And somewhere under that he feared he lost himself by trying to love her. By trying to save what they had. Her tears always what hurt him the most, it was his weakness, because there was a time where he cherished every single drop that fell from her lotus like eyes, everything about her for him was sacred because in his eyes she was always a goddess. He hated seeing those tears shine in her eyes after every argument, and she hated seeing his, yet over the years, she became the reason for them, she became the one thing that hurt him more than anything else in the world. Because nothing else could hurt him in the way she did. After all he had given her the power. She used her poised words against him in every argument, she brought back wounds of the past that they had tried so hard to put run and it was what she used as her shield against him, and he was left trying to fathom as to why? Why had she built so many walls around herself? Why had she shut him out to the point his voice lost all sound? He couldn't work out where they had gone wrong. All they did was love, and even that wasn't enough any more.

At first I fell for you confidence

But every day I'm on my kneesYou magnify even my slightest mistakesAnd pushed me to the edge of a cliff
He can remember meeting her for the first time. The way the confidence oozed of her being. She was self assured, she was calm. She was peace. She was Irene after all. The way in which they fell into each other. She was always resilient, and he saw it in everything she did. The way she stood up for what she believed, the ways she held herself was exactly what drew him in, yet the flicker of vulnerability that flashed in her eyes was what drew him in the most. Yet it seemed he hadn't realised the depths of it. He had seen the way she had desperately tried to fix others, when her own hands were shaking. He saw the way she wouldn't give herself enough time to heal when she was faced with onslaught. He saw the way she sealed the wounds of others whilst she stood bleeding. He saw the way she would force a laugh so no one caught the hurt in her voice and eyes. He saw the way she gave her time to those who didn't deserve it, and he also heard the way she broke at night, and he realises that under her pretence, under they years of emotional abuse she lost herself. He was the only one trying to hold onto her. To ensure she didn't slip from his grip and so she used her words as weapons to push him away, to create a wall between them. Yet he saw the woman he loved standing next to he corpse that was left in front of him, and he had vowed to bring her back, even if it meant killing himself in the process. He took every ounce of poison she had administrated with a smile, gulping it down so she wouldn't have to. And he stood on the edge of the cliff to ensure she wouldn't fall off. And in the process, through what he called love...he hurt himself more.

Jackrene OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now