GYM run in

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Irene sat on the bench, tying up the lose strands that had fallen out of her pony tail, before moving to change the song on her playlist. She walked over to the treadmill, to work on her cardio, setting the speed slow before building it up. She could feel the sweat dropping of her body, and the burning sensation in her muscles, a feeling she had long missed with her hectic schedule in relation to their recent endeavours. She puffed her cheeks out slightly before slowing it right down to walking before jumping off. She began to stretch slightly to loosen her tense muscles, not realising she had gained an audience.

It had been months since Jackson had hit the gym, he hadn't found the time with recent work, his schedule packed to the point he gave up sleep, but finally he had a break and what better way to spend it whilst working out. He had already been at the gym for half an hour when he had noticed a certain woman's presence. Irene. He smiled watching her run, turning back to his own work out as he became engrossed in his own thoughts. It had been months since he last saw her, she looked good, more happy and that was the one thing he had always wished for her. She was a goddess, absolutely enteral even with her bare face and hair tied up, and in his mind she looked a thousand times more gorgeous. He had wanted to approach her before this, he wanted to ask her out but with his commitments he felt it was best not too. She didn't deserve half ass attempts and at that current moment in time that is all he could offer her and so he waited. He waited for the right moment that ultimately never came for them. It was a constant hit and miss. He became super busy and then with tours and stuff, their already limited interactions became scarce in a drought. He sighed rubbing his temples before turning to watch as she stretched, his heart skipping a couple of beats that caused his own eyes to widen in shock, the feeling in his stomach when he looked at her stronger then the previous. He watched as she moved the weights and she was doing a great job, she continued for ten minutes, placing them back on the small rack, that some what began to fall because of the miss balance of weight, his eyes widened as she cried out in pain, a weight hitting the base of her foot. She fell to the side grabbing it as Jackson chucked his towel to the side before rushing to her aid.

"Irene!" He shouted, her eyes moving to meet Jackson's who crouched down besides her, "Are you okay?" She shook her head no holding onto her foot, and he could see the pool of tears in her eyes, he sat down on the floor putting her foot in his lap, as he undid the laces to her shoes, before carefully pulling it off before doing the same with her sock. He placed his hand on it moving it slightly as he applied a small amount of pressure to it. She winced, concealing it as he looked up to gage her pain, and when he applied slightly more her hand shot up his bicep. "It's hurts." "I know Rene, but I need to see if you've broken anything okay?" He watched as she pouted before nodding, his own small smile gracing his features as he watched her be all cute. He gently moved her foot off his lap, standing as he looked down. "Let's see if you can walk on it." He held out his hands, her smooth skin meeting his as he helped her stand, and when she placed her weight on it she began to fell side ways again. He held her with ease, one hand on her waist while the other held hers, resting her weight against his. "I can't-" she spoke, in obvious amounts of pain. He placed her arm over his neck before swooping down and picking her up bridal style. He called over one of the workers to bring Irene's and his things as he walked towards his car. He felt her shudder slightly, as he lay her in the passenger seat handing her his team Wang hoodie and watching as she cutely pulled the material over her head. He took the stuff from the worker placing it at the back. "I'll take you to the hospital." "NO!" She shouted causing Jackson to jump slightly. "I don't like hospitals. It's fine I can manage." She moved to open the door, Jackson leaning over her to close it. "Okay fine I won't take you to the hospital but I'm taking you to my place. You can barely walk right now and I won't feel comfortable knowing that your alone." She sighed giving in as he started his car.

Irene looked towards him, her eyes tender. He was a man of such a pure heart and she found herself captivated every time she was in his presence, he had this ability to render her helpless without even trying, she surrendered her ice queen title whenever she was around him and it was an effect only he had on her. She had missed him. He had been busy. She knew, she had seen his works both solo and group and every single time her heart skipped more beats. She was ultimately falling for him. She had been for awhile. He was like a knight in shining armour always extending his support and aid when she found herself in perils and it was something she loved. His presence was such that she always felt safe and relaxed and she wanted more as selfish as it may have sounded.

They pulled up at his apartment, Irene making attempts to move. "Hold up." He said, taking off his seatbelt before jogging over to her side. He ducked in, picking her back up again, her arms wrapping around his neck as she buried her head into the crook of his neck. He looked at her with a smile closing door with  the heel of his foot before walking into his apartment. He sat her down on the couch, removing her other shoe and leaving it at the door. "I'm just going to get our stuff okay?" She nodded slightly as he came back placing her shoes besides him and dropping a pair of slippers in front of her. He moved her legs onto the couch before grabbing some cushions to keep her prodded up. She smiled at him, as he handed her some water and pain medication. "I'm going to take a quick shower. Take a look at this and see what you want to eat." Irene nodded as he smiled at her, "I won't be long." She nodded as he left and true to his words, he returned ten minutes later. She handed him a menu as they browsed through deciding on what to order before Jackson made the phone call. "It's going to be twenty minutes." She nodded pushing herself up. "Can I use your shower meanwhile?" Jackson looked at her. "You sure your going to be okay?" She nodded as she stood shuffling slightly as he helped her, passing her the bag she asked for before handing her a towel. "Are you sure?" "Jackson I'll be fine." "Okay just call me if you need something." "I will."  Ten minutes later Irene emerged in his hoodie and some leggings. He smiled at her as she undid her hair letting it sprawl out against her shoulders. He picked her up causing her to squeal slightly as he chuckled "You've been on your feet long enough." He led her back to the sofa setting her back down just in time for their food delivery. The two ate catching up with smiles and laughter as Jackson picked up their plates washing them before returning back to her side. He picked her legs up placing them on his lap as he took out some cream and began to massage her injured foot. She looked at him. "Jack you don't have to do that." He continued to do it as the two remained silent before talking about other things. Irene shuffled forward moving her foot out of his grip before resting her head on his chest. "Thank you." She whispered draping her arms around him. "Always." He whispered back as he kissed her hairline. She moved up slightly the two staring at each other before simultaneously leaning in, their lips touching as they tasted each other. She smiled moments after the kiss broke, the same smile on his as she settled back in his arms.

The gym was their secret blessing in disguise, uniting the two yearning hearts.

The end

Authors note:
Heyyyyyy hope you enjoy this one. I'll be updating battle scars later today so hope to see you there. Let me know what your thoughts are on this one. Lots of love and best wishes. Stay safe xx

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