Asian Artist Awards

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Jackson stood along side the boys as they waited to get their tickets checked before heading to the hotel in order to  attend the Asian artist awards, that were taking place in Vietnam this year. He yawned slightly, his eyes tearing up as he did, the flight had been very short, and for that he was grateful, yet he still found that he was tired. He looked down at his phone waiting patiently to here something from Irene.

Yes, Irene was his girlfriend. Had been for three years and counting,something strong being forged between the two when they had the courtesy of mcing together. The ride from then onwards had been a hectic yet beautiful one. It was full of hit and misses yet that seemed to be the beauty of their relationship. The meetings, the messages and the calls, were somewhat  a secret from the world. Their moments hidden from the cameras yet the moment they had the chance it was as if they hadn't endured the months of separation. They were just two souls dedicated to loving each other. And it was more then either of them could ask for, and he was genuinely happy with her. Three beautiful years, with over a thousand memories painted between them. He smiled slightly as he opened his lock screen, a picture of them both at a private photoshoot displaying on his screen. He smiled, going to his contacts.

From Future Hubby ❤️
Hey Babygirl, we just landed. Let me know when you and the girls reach.

He received a message moments later.

From Future Mrs Wang ❤️
Hey bub we are waiting in duty free, flight is boarding at 9:30 and it's a four hour flight. I've been told that we have to go straight to rehearsals, I don't think I'll get a chance to see you before the show ☹️.

From Future Hubby ❤️
It's okay Babygirl we can catch each other after. What time are you guys heading back?

From Future Mrs Wang ❤️
Flight is at 6AM so need to be up by 4:30AM. What about yours?

From Future Hubby ❤️
Same time.

From Future Mrs Wang ❤️
More time togetherrrrrrrrr wooooo

He laughed slightly, the boys looking at him, leaning over his shoulder to read the message with a small chuckle as they began to take the piss out of him.  They pushed him slightly hyping him up as they walked out to the camera flashes blinding them.

This was their life. The idol life.

Jackson smoothed out his red satin blazer , raking a hand through his styled hair, before looking down to his phone, she had messaged when she had landed and he hadn't heard anything since, but he knew she was busy. He looked back in the mirror, before turning to the boys as they made way to their seats. He smiled as he caught sight of her dressed in a white dress, which was somewhat to short for his liking, paired with black leg length boots. Her hair was set straight and god he could have sworn his breath fell short. He looked down at his red suit with a smile, both of them wearing the same colours they had worn the first time round.

He caught her eye and passed her a cheeky look, her own laughter breaking out as she attempted to incase it within her hand that had flown to her mouth. She smiled warmly at him. Her eyes trailing over his form, her own heart skipping multiple beats at the mere sight of him. The satin material suited him, his broad shoulders highlighted by the blazer, with an opaque shirt underneath that left her mind with thoughts that she should not be thinking at this moment in time. His hair was slicked to perfection as usual with him and she couldn't help but smile at the colours as if some bigger universal force had planned this. Irene quickly averted her eyes with the cameras that began rolling in their direction, the crowd cheering when it zoomed in on her face. Jackson leaned forward slightly with a warm smile as he watched her ethereal face light up. She was stunning. Simply stunning.

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