Idol producer

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Jackson sat in front of the trainees with a dead expression. He wasn't impressed, and he was begging to lose his cool. He knew they were tried. He could see it in their eyes and suddenly remembered himself in their shoes. The years of torment and rejection was something he could relate to deeply, and the last thing he wanted to do was push them to the point they gave up on their dreams. He looked towards them, seeing the prior determination now lacking. He sighed. He knew he was being harsh, and he hated it but if they wanted to succeed this was the way to do exactly that. He stood up calling everything to an end and getting them to sit down. He looked down at his watch. 9:30PM before looking back at them. "I know you guys are tired, and I can see some of you are beginning to give up, but let me just say that I know what it feels like. I spent five years in your position and I know that this road seems really hard and difficult but it will get better if you put the work in now. Everything requires hard work and I know how much you guys are trying. If your not understanding something ask, if your finding something hard ask, because your questions will forever hold you back from being better. Your a bunch of talented individuals but what your showing right now is a discredit to that. This is your chance to prove yourselves and if you really want it, fight for it. I'm going to give you guys a break today early. Go back to the dorms and get some rest, you deserve it. We will do better tomorrow. Okay?" He saw the gratefulness in their eyes as Jackson passed them small smiles waiting by the door to see them all out before heading home himself.

He sat on the couch in front of the TV watching the weekly idol segment of Irene and Suelgi who had just debuted as a sub unit. He smiled, his attention fully focused onto Irene, and then it clicked. He grabbed his phone that lay resting on the coffee table charging, yanking  the wire out before beginning to scroll through the contacts.

To Irene 😊🥰
Hey you remember that night back in Vietnam after the San-E incident and how you said if I ever needed a favour to let you know as a way of repaying me back even after I said you didn't have to?

I need a favour.


Jackson waited patiently his fingers dancing over the key board to type a response or waiting for his phone to come to life with a notification from her. Within the next second his phone blared with an incoming FaceTime call from the goddess herself. He smiled answering the call. His breath taken as he saw her ethereal face, her smile radiant and her eyes warm. "What can I do?" He smiled as she looked at him, "Are you free to come to China? I know it's a lot to ask for, and I'm asking In such short notice as well. Bae I'm sorry I bothered you it's okay. You probably had a busy day with schedules and here I am burdening you-" "Wang!" She called pausing him mid rant. "I said to you that night, whenever you decide to call me I'll be there in a heartbeat. I'm glad you've finally decided to call because I was on the verge of just going up to you and taking you out or something. Don't worry about the schedule, if you need me I'm coming. Let me have a look at some flights okay?" He looked at her guiltily through the screen. "Don't look at me with those eyes." She said as she sat down at her desk opening her laptop up. She flashed him a quick look seeing the pout he wore. "Don't look at me with that faceeee." She whined cutely causing him to smile. "Why is the ice queen melting?" She rolled her eyes. "I melted for you ages ago, there's memes all over the goddamn internet about it." He chuckled. "Well that was your fault. You couldn't stop staring at me." She blushed. "Shut up Wang I'm innocent. I didn't want to look at the ass besides me and it's not like your not visually pleasing, my eyes were blessed." He coughed loudly causing Irene to laugh. "Awwww is Wang puppy blushing? How cute.." "Rene." He warned. She laughed. "There is tickets for tomorrow and I'll be there same day, and your in luck me and Suel have a four day break from promotions because it's been pre recorded." "Thanks Bae." She smiled. "Always Wang. But what do you actually need me for, I mean if it's a date we could have just done that when you came back." He glared at her slightly before laughing. "I'm shooting for idol producer, and the guys are big fans of RedVelvet and in particular you. I've been working them hard and I just want to give them something." Irene nodded with a smile. "Does that mean I get to see mentor Jackson?" He nodded as she laughed. "I better go pack." She said "okay let me know when you land, I'll pick you up." "It's fine I'll take a taxi." "No you will not. Call me." She rolled her eyes. "Fine." "Bye Bae." "Bye Wang."

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