༻ writers block headcanons part 2: electric boogaloo ༺

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i didn't know what the hell else to write but i didn't want to leave y'all with nothing so until i have the next chapter out here are some more headcanons. there's modern day hc's, hc's based in canon, character x y/n, and some ship ones too

-illumi's a lightweight

-hisoka and illumi will sometimes have those sleepovers you see in like old teen movies. i.e doing face masks, eating snacks while flipping through magazines and watching mean girls, doing their nails, etc

-killuas a really light sleeper

-milluki probably tried putting up a manga wall but his wall ended up looking like shit so he took it down

-for a long time mito only had battery operated candles in her house because

-all of the zoldyck children are picky eaters

-kurapika spends hours tangling and detangling his chains as a coping mechanism

-melody gives kurapika flute lessons sometimes. like she teaches him how to play

-back in meteor city, chrollo would sit down with old broken dolls he's found over the years and eat with them, pretending they're his family

-back when killua was younger, he and milluki would sometimes pull all-nighters playing mario cart on milluki's nintendo

-hisoka would refuse to ever wear jeans because he doesn't like how they make his legs itch. but if he were to wear jeans he would only wear high waisted skinny jeans.

-bisky always dots her eyes with a lil heart

-leorios a massive simp. you could ask him to do anything and he would do it

-whenever you and leorio get into arguments he goes out to get you your favorite flowers as an apology

-killua has a really hard time communicating his emotions verbally, especially when under distress, so sometimes he'll communicate by showing and pointing at what he wants or means

-gon hates anything with extremely strong smells, so he's really picky about the candles and scented things he and his friends buy

-kurapika owns a few long trench coats, they make him feel badass

-gon is constantly doodling random drawings on his arms and hands with pens and highlighters

-when gon was little he and mito would go down to the lake to have picnics and feed the ducks and fish

-when killua has nightmares, gon will kiss his cheeks, forehead and nose because his aunt mito used to say "a kiss on each part of the face puts the monsters back in their place"

-as a special gift, once silva and kikyo rented a beach for a day and the kids had it all to themselves

-chrollo made his own makeshift library inside the phantom troupe hideout

-feitan will steal jewelry and fancy clothes for you as gifts

-killua often gets employee discounts at his favorite candy shop since he visits so often

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