༻ scenario: the feeling of tiredness ༺

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sleepy time sleepy time


what's he like: giggly and clingy
what he does: nuzzles into your shoulder and giggles out of contentment. he likes to run his fingers through your hair; it calms him down.
how you help him fall asleep: you comb his hair with your fingers and lightly shush him. you give him a casual top-of-the-head kiss every few minutes. whenever you do that, he falls asleep pretty quickly.


what he's like: babyish and clingy
what he does: whenever he's sleepy, he clings onto you no matter where you're at or what you're doing. you end up having to pick him up and carry him to his/your bedroom.
how you help him fall asleep: you gently caress his cheek with your thumb and cup his face. then he snuggles up to you and rests his head on your chest, just below your neck. and yes his hair is soft.


what he's like: whiney and clingy
what he does: every few minutes, he'll whine and complain basically just saying "babeee, i'm sleepyyy," every now and again. you usually ignore him and let him whine but once you've had enough of his whining you just tell him to go to sleep. gladly, he'll sleep anywhere, but only when you're next to him. when you're not with him he can barely get 2 hours of sleep in. while he complains, he does this thing where he lifts his arm up and pokes your cheek until you give him attention. he basically just whines to annoy you so you cuddle him.
how you help him sleep: when he finally stops complaining, you let him snuggle up to you. whether that be resting his head on your chest or laying his head on your lap (it really depends on where you are). if he's laying on your chest, you gently rub his back and place kisses on the top of his head and also rub his back because back rubs are the fucking best. he's a surprisingly good sleeper, and seeing him this calm is kinda adorable


what he's like: a cute kind of clingy
what he does: when he's sleepy or tired, he's not as annoying as let's say, hisoka. all he does is he lays his head on your shoulder and holds your hand in his.
how you help him fall asleep: when he lays his head on your shoulder, you comb through his hair until his eyes become sleepier. once he's fully asleep, he usually ends up on your lap. you gently rub his back while he sleeps. he has a tiny snore and it's highkey adorable.


what he's like: annoying. just fucking annoying
what he does: when he's sleepy, he loses like have of his brain cells. he gets easily irritated, he doesn't really listen, he's not good at making decisions.
how you help him fall asleep: you don't really need to help him a lot, he usually just crashes on the couch whenever he feels like. but while he's asleep, you usually tuck him into a blanket and do some house work. you organize his desk area and do some laundry. after you organize his desk you write him a little note as to why you love him on one of his sticky notes. he loves you for it. it always makes him feel special and loved when you do those kinds of things for him. after he wakes up, he cuddles you and showers you with kisses since he loves you so much.


what he's like: slower and quieter than usual
what he does: usually when he's sleepy he's just,, quieter than normal. but he'll never tell you that he's tired because he doesn't tell you how he feels like ever. but when you tell him that he should sleep, he at least listens to you. he'll pause what he's doing and rest for a while. although he would really like it, he never asks to cuddle with you. he's not the type to say what he wants or how he feels, so it's up to you to read through his emotions.
how you help him fall asleep: you don't help him per say; but once he is asleep, you do some things around the house. you wash some clothes, prep dinner, put away his pins, water some plants, etc. once you're satisfied with the work you've done, you climb into bed with him and hug him tight. most times when you cuddle, he doesn't respond much, the most he does is wrap an arm around your shoulder, but his subconscious is a different story. while he sleeps, he subconsciously wraps his arms around your waist and rests his chin on the top of your head. when he wakes up, he's either embarrassed and let's go or he holds on and strokes your hair. it's still cute either way


sorry for such a late update! these take a shit ton of time to write and also i've started school which is a pain in my ass. i'll try to make updates more frequent

drink ur water, do ur skoolwerk, and sleep


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