༻ hisoka's flower garden {hisoillu} ༺

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p.s.a: this is an au based on the flower garden scene from howls moving castle, so hisoka and illumi are going to be pretty out of character. so don't attack me pls and ty

illumi's view

"illumi," hisoka began, "come with me. there's something i want to show you."

he held out his hand for me to take, to which i did.

"where are... where are you taking me?" i ask.

"somewhere i used to go when i was young." hisoka stated.

he took me through a large door to reveal a field of the most colourful flowers, the quietest water streams, and the tallest mountains covered in a blanket of soft snow.

i was at a loss for words. it was gorgeous.

"you like it? it's my secret garden." hisoka asked.

"it's... incredible," i responded, "did you use your nen to make this?"

"only a little. just to help the flowers grow." he answered.

we hopped over a small water stream, and continued toward the massive lake, as clear as a mirror. this lake was still, as if it was holding the hold sky in the palm of its hand.

"this place is gorgeous, hisoka! it's like, it's like a dream." i exclaimed, looking out at the lake.

birds were chirping off in the distance, although i couldn't quite see any, there songs were still beautiful.

"it all seems so familiar yet i know i haven't been here before. i feel so... at home." i say.

"come with me, illumi," hisoka stated.

"o-ok," i reply.

i took his hand and we skipped to the top of a small hill, looking out at a quaint cottage.

"what a cute cottage," i say in awe.

"that was my secret hide away. i spent a lot of time there when i was a young boy."

"so you were alone?" i ask.

"my uncle, who was a nen user, gave me this place as my own private study. and now you can come here whenever you'd like." hisoka responded.

the magician began walking towards the cottage, but i hesitantly stayed behind, my worries surfacing.

"what's the matter, illumi?" hisoka asked.

"it's just... you're scaring me. i have this weird feeling that you're going to leave."

hisoka paused, taking in what i had said.

"hisoka, tell me what's going on. please. i don't care if you're a monster."

hisoka walked up toward me.

"i'm just setting things up so that all of you can live a comfortable life, illumi. with all the flowers you've got in this valley you could easily open up a flower shop, right? i'm sure you'd be good at it!" hisoka reassured.

"so you are going away," i said, "please hisoka i know i can be of help to you. even though i'm not very pretty, and all i'm good at is assassins work-"

"illumi! illumi you're beautiful!" hisoka cut me off.

"i guess the nice thing about being a lonely assassin is that you've not nothing much to lose." i say, a sorrowful smile plastered on my face.

hisoka looked my way, but quickly turned his attention to an unknown noise from far away.

"what is that thing doing out here?" hisoka questioned rhetorically

"an airship?" i continue.

"still looking for more cities to burn," hisoka stated.

"is it an enemy or one of our allies?" i ask.

"what difference does it make."

hisoka took a few steps forward as the airship flew over the door we entered.

"stupid phantom troupe," hisoka said, "we can't just let them fly off with all those bombs."

hisoka used his bungee gum to latch onto the airships system, then ceasing its movement all together.

the airship slowly came floating down, unable to stay flying after hisokas tampering.

"what's happening?" i ask, "what did you do?!"

"just messed with it. it won't crash, though." hisoka replied.

i looked down at the magicians arm, it looked damaged and red,

"oh, hisoka," i stated worryingly.

"uh oh. here they come," hisoka said, gesturing to the falling airship.

bullets began coming out of the airship, straight toward hisoka and i.

"the people in that ship are chrollo's henchmen," hisoka explained, "let's go!"

he took me by the hands and sped off away from the bullets.

"faster, illumi, we need to take off!" hisoka called. he shot his bungee gum into the air as he jumped. be shot out more bungee gum for us to run on.

"alright illumi you're going in!" hisoka shouted, as he prepared to drop me back into his castle.

"no! don't let go!" i cried. gripping on tighter to his hands. that very moment he unclasped his hands from mine, as i began to fall. it was like i was walking in the sky. i fell and fell as the castles door flung open. i fell inside right on my tailbone.

"this isn't anyway to treat a zoldyck,"


does anyone remember me mentioning a howls moving castle hisoillu au a few months back? well here it is. yea it's not that great and first person pov is kinda sucky but i tried. the next au chapter i'll do will prolly be a spirited away killugon au. my only concern for that one is who should be chihiro and who should be haku? like it could kind of work both ways? but idk.

drink ur water, do ur skoolwerk, and sleep



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