༻ airplane mode {hisoka x reader} ༺

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so recently i flew back home from virginia and since im bored as fuck i might as well write a fanfiction abt it. also, for the sake of the cliche this plane has assigned seating

airplane rides aren't usually all that comfortable. they especially aren't comfortable when you're flying solo.

you've been up since early morning, packing the last of your things and shutting down your apartment for your leave. by the time you reached the airport you were beyond exhausted. you felt as though you were about to fall asleep; your clothes were rather comfortable. you weren't looking to impress anyone anyway (although, they weren't too repulsive) you spent the hour mindlessly scrolling through your cell phone, trying to pass the time

as you sat in your terminal seat, you peered over at a man sitting a ways away. he wasnt strange, he was more so... hard to miss. he had bright magenta dyed hair with purple dye just below it. he had golden yellow eyes and a rather sharp jawline. he wore a white short sleeved tee with an red embroidered spayed at his chest, black sweat pants, and black slip on vans.

"hm. he's pretty good looking." you thought, then turned your attention back to your cell phone.

soon enough, your gate letter was called, and you were boarded onto your plane. you were both lucky, and unlucky enough to be seated at the window in row 12.

somehow, you managed to be seated next to that man you noticed earlier. the one with the brightly colored two tone hair.

your plane took a good few minutes to take off. they over-fueled the plane so they had to take out a few thousand gallons, and your flight was also delayed because of rainfall, so you were pushed back even further. not that you necessarily cared, you weren't in any rush.

now that you got a closer look at him, he was a lot hotter.

"how can someone be blessed with such a sharp face?" you wonder, looking at him through your periphery.

most of your plane ride was nothing more than uneventful. all you really did was write down reminders, watch a show or two, and sketch in your notepad.

but it was during the last hour and a half ago when the flight was faced with the dreaded cries of a baby. you were a little irritated but there was nothing you could do about it, so you brushed it off.

you looked over at the man seated next to you, and he was visibly irritated. he tried setting bis book down to cover his ears, but to no avail, rubbing his temples in annoyance.

you tapped him on the shoulder.

"hey. that babies annoying you right? here, you can listen to some of my music if you want." you offered, smiling at the man next to you.

"are you sure?" he asked.

"positive." you assured.

"then i suppose i will." a grin was now plastered on his face as he reached into his bag and pulled out a pair of earbuds.

gladly, you had packed an adapter so more than one person could plug their headphones in at a time.

he plugged his headphones in and began listening. he was pleasantly surprised. your music taste was amazing.

soon the two of you struck a conversation.

"are you stopping in york new or are you taking the layover to padokea?" you asked.

"i'm stopping in york new. i'll be meeting an old friend of mine."

"oh that sounds fun! i'm stopping here too. i'm moving here for my new job."

"that sounds exciting. oh- how rude of me i never introduced myself. i'm hisoka. nice to
meet you~"

"hisoka. i like that name. mines y/n."


your small talk continued as you both got to know each other better. but all things come to an end.

your plane had just landed, and everyone on the flight was getting their carryons together.

"oh, before we go can i get the name of that playlist? i really liked it.~" hisoka asked.

"oh sure! one sec." you took out a small piece of paper from your bags front pocket and wrote dowm the playlist name and your username. you also wrote down your phone number too. you wanted to stay in touch.

"thank you, darling." he said, taking the folded paper from you and put it into his pocket. you chuckled at the nickname he gave you.

"i hope to talk to you again soon!" he exclaimed, walking off the plane.

"same goes for me!" you replied as you finished packing up your carryon. boy are you glad you wrote your phone number down.

hisoka headed straight for baggage claim; his suitcase was one of the first to be distributed off of the plane.

he was then soon picked up by that friend he was meeting, illumi zoldyck.


"i met someone on the plane. they were rather nice. there was a baby crying and they offered for me to listen to music with them." hisoka explained.

"kind of like in those cliche romance movies you always make me watch." illumi replied.

"exactly. oh right- im pretty sure they wrote down the playlist name, let me look it up before i forget."

hisoka took the paper out of his pocket and unfolded it, noticing that you had also written your number on it. he chuckled.

"i suppose we'll be able to stay in touch after all~"


ok so thats it. should i do a leorio x reader because ive never done one before. ive been on like a one shot streak lately. or should i write another menace y/n story. idk but anyways i got new furniture in my room now. so thats cool.

n e ways make sure do stay hydrated and shit like that


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