༻ feitan porter ༺

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this was requested by a lot of people so guys i finally caved. heres ur feitan catchup lol

how he cuddles

feitan isnt much of a cuddler. what did you expect he literally tortures people for a living. but when he is up for it, hes little spoon no questions asked. he likes the feeling of being held, granted hes not big enough to y'know, hold. thats honestly the main reason he doesnt like it. it ruins his pride and god forbid if someone sees or finds out that he likes little spooning. there was one time where a troupe member walked in on the two of you cuddling. shizuku needed something out of his/your room but when she walked in she wasnt prepared for the sight laid before her. bur everything was fine, the girl is hella forgetful so feitan wasnt all that worried about it. he did make her swear to not say a word if she

nicknames and petnames

now, feitan isnt very romantic, and he's never really dipped his foot into the world of dating. i can also guarantee that this man is a total virgin despite being practically 30. but he is no heartless man so he tries to seem romantic. and he found out that a good way to do that is through nicknames.
he calls you: hun, dear, darling, love, and doll. the old fashion ones
you call him: fei-fei, honeybun, my love, sweetheart, and sunshine. the ones that absolutely dont fit his personality under any circumstance

when hes sleepy

when he's tired, his tolerance for anything and everything plummets so far below the floor you couldnt reach it if you tried. obviously he isnt an asshole to you but to everyone else he's an absolute menace to be around. yet for some reason or another he refuses to go to bed, so you have to force him. gladly, what you say goes. so you can boss him around without much hassle. ok, just, heres an example:
"feitan. its time to sleep. come up to bed with me please."
"fetain. its time for sleep."
"no, i dont want to."
"fetain, right now."
"yes ma'am/sir/captain/[whatever you wish]"
(guys pls don't sever my limbs for this i tried my best on the gender neutral honorific. plus im a demigirl so im trying my hardest)
once he is asleep hes extra cuddly. thats like the only way he'll fall asleep quickly; if you cuddle him

you infiltrate his closet and rob him of his clothes

i said in a previous headcannons chapter that the inside of his coats are fluffy so you already know whats gonna happen. it was an extremely cold day and the abandoned-ness of the troupe hideout wasnt making anything better. the arctics were taking over and before you know it the world would be drowned in ice. thankfully for you your boyfriend's little coat thingy's were practically made for the cold. the inside fabric was this really nice fluffy texture. it was like running your hands through a nice fluffy rug. you decided to run into his room/wing/area thingy of the hideout and steal one of them from him. its not like it was going to matter he had like thirty of them in each color way. you ripped one off a hanger and slipped it over your head and onto your body. it didnt matter how it fit; fluffy is fluffy and warm is warm and there was no way that you were going to let yourself freeze. when you left his room there were quite a few eyes stuck on you, none of which were feitan.
"feitan's gonna kill you when he sees what youre wearing. you know how he is about his things." shalnark commented.
"i dont give a shit it literally feels like the ice age in this damn hideout. besides he has an uncountable number of these things i think he'll be fine." you replied.
you kept walking until you were in your own space and curled in on yourself, trying to keep warm, when a pair of arms wrapped around you tightly.
"looks good on you." feitan complimented.
"i know it does now warm me up." you say.
"fine, fine."
yea sometimes having a boyfriend is the best thing about cold weather. free heater.

he gets sick

fetain gets sick like, once every year. and its usually some simple illness like allergies, a cold, strep throat, etc etc. for this we'll use strep throat. when i tell you feitan is a whiner, i mean it. he will whine and complain from dawn to dusk. he's always telling you that his throat hurts, that hes sleepy, that he doesnt feel well, that his head hurts, and many, many more. you have to comfort him like hes some
small child saying things like "i know honey. just drink some water" or "you'll feel better if you take your medicine". despite literally being 28, when he gets sick, BOOM! instant baby. his whining most definitely annoys nobunaga and uvogin and they yell at him to shut up. but you get very defensive of him. i guess you cant really help how you are when youre sick

he lays on your lap

feitan really likes laying in your lap. he'll lay on your lap the very second he gets a chance. he usually lays on his side with his ear pressed against his thigh. he can just lay there, for hours on end, and no you arent getting up. he will keep you there until he says otherwise.

you're sick

will he know what to do? no. he has absolutely no idea how to react. but he can become your bell boy in the snap of a finger. whatever you need, he'll get for you. whatever you want, he'll do. you barely have to lift a finger all day. hes like your very own butler

omfg why did i delay this for so long? it rly wasnt that difficult to write. on an unrelated note i impulsively bought myself new clothes 😐 im addicted. also random question would anyone be even remotely interested in a get to know me and/or face reveal chapter? ive been debating on doing one for a little bit but idk.
n e ways make sure to drink water, do ur skoolwerk, and sleep

bye bye lol


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