Chapter 4

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A/N:Hey I'm updating again. Wow I take forever to update. But I'm a weird person I've already got the story planned out I just need to type it out. I also need to quit thinking ahead. I'm going to try to start updating every month if I have time. Anyway I don't own anything except my OC.

Third POV

Nyuu looked around the class room. She appeared infront of the boy with the duckbutt hair.Ignoring the glares Nyuu was receiving she poked the boy in the forehead,he looked slightly taken aback."I have a really important question"Nyuu said to the boy.

"Not you too,Nyuu"Naruto muttered while facepalming.

"How do you get your hair like that?"Nyuu asked clearly shocking Naruto,the boy with a duckbutt for hair,and the Duckbutt's fangirls.

"What?"Duckbutt asked.

"Well?…Answer the question, damn it!"Nyuu said starting to get annoyed.

"It's natural"he answered glaring at her.

"Aww.C'mon it's bad enough my old senseis(A/N:Ok I had to look up the plural of that word. So I'm sorry if Google lied to me.)never told me how they got their hair spiky"Nyuu pouted.

"Why do you want to know how people get their hair spiky?"the Duckbutt asked.

"So I can chop off all my hair,spike it up,and pretend to be a boy"Nyuu answered.

"Um…Ok weirdo"he answered.

"So what's your name,Duckbutt?"Nyuu asked.

"Sasuke Uchiha"he said while shooting her a glare.

"Nyuu,Sasuke you have to practice the Transformation Jutsu now"Iruka said. Nyuu suddenly appeared infront of Iruka. She quickly turned into Iruka then turned back into herself."Good job,Nyuu"Iruka said. Sasuke performed the jutsu properly.(A/N:I'm not typing out the rest of the Transformation Jutsu performances.)

Time Skip to the Graduating Exams

"Nyuu Namikaze"Iruka said. Nyuu entered the room. "Perform the clone jutsu"Iruka said,"create three clones."Nyuu nodded and created three perfect clones."Good job,now come get your headband"Iruka said.Nyuu walked up and grabbed a Leaf Village headband.She put ber headband in her pocket and walked back to the other room and sat down next to Naruto.

"Did ya pass?"Naruto asked. Nyuu grinned and pulled out her headband and showed it to Naruto."Why aren't you wearing it?"he asked.

"I don't know…I guess I'm just waiting for when we're put on squads"Nyuu answered.

"I hope we're put on the same squad"Naruto exclaimed.

"How do you know you'll pass?"Nyuu asked.

"Cause I'm gonna be Hokage!"Naruto shouted in her ear.

"How do those two things relate anyway?"Nyuu asked and Naruto shrugged."Tell you what,if you pass I'll make you some ramen"Nyuu said and Naruto grinned.

"I'm definitely going to pass and become a ninja"he shouted again.

"Naruto Uzumaki"Iruka said and Naruto stood up and went to the other room.

"He's going to fail"Sasuke said to Nyuu.

"So what if he does?"Nyuu said getting protective over Naruto.

"Hn…Why do you hangout with him?He's an idiot"Sasuke said.

"He's my friend…So leave him alone"Nyuu growled. I'm getting protective over Naruto.Like how I used to when it came to-Nevermind,Nyuu thought.

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