Chapter 10

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Akuma:Okay well I am going to continue this but the updates are gonna be super slow .Beware since it's in Nyuu's POV there's quite a bit of cussing.

Nyuu POV

Naruto, Sasuke, and Haku were fighting and by fighting I mean Sasugay and Naruhomo were getting the shit beat out of them.Of course Haku was useing the Crystal Ice Mirrors so that was expected. Kashi seemed to be messing with Zabuza, at least he wasn't taking him that seriously. Well,what did you expect?Kakashi is on a different level than Zabuza, my voice said. Oh right, I forgot to mention that. There's been this voice in my head ever since I came to the Leaf.

"Hey,Nyuu"Sakura's voice dragged me out of my thoughts.

"What?" Cotton Candy's annoying ,my voice said.Man,I really hope I didn't snicker aloud.

"Since you know Zabuza and Haku couldn't you try to convince them to stop?" Oh gee, I wish I thought of that ,my voice was practically dripping with sarcasm. Doesn't she realize these guys are psychos?

"Probably not."

"How would you know without even trying?" Oh,fuck! I said that aloud , dammit! My voice laughed and I'm almost positive my eye was actually twitching.

"Um,Nyuu?Are you okay?"

"Fine." If you call being insane 'fine' ,my voice said.

I would get mad at you but I feel useless right now.

Then do something,my voice sighed and I'm pretty sure it was facepalming. I raised and eyebrow,that's a pretty good idea.But what do I do? My feet suddenly felt wet, I looked down and the floor was covered in water.

"Huh?"A loud growl made me jump and I looked up. A cage?

"Oh,the Namikaze brat.I doubt you'll be as easy to manipulate as the other brat"My voice said but this time it was coming from a fox in a cage? What?

"Who are you?"Alright, I couldn't help it my voice cracked."And what do you mean by 'other brat'?"

"You haven't figured it out yet,I thought it was obvious."

"What the hell are you talkin' about?"

"At least you're not as annoying as the other one."

"Just who are you and what are you talking about?"

"Since you're not as annoying' I'll tell you my name. It's Kurama."

"I'm guessing that's all I'm gonna get out of you."

"Well, I'll give you a hint because I'm feeling generous today." I nodded and gave him a look that told him to continue."Kushina."


"That's you're hint."

"Well, what the fuck does that mean?" Kurama stayed quiet and my stomach started to hurt.

"It's about time"Kurama muttered. What does that mean?

Third POV ( Nyuu:Seriously, I was having fun.)

"Nyuu,are you okay?"Sakura asked.Nyuu turned to look at her except her eyes were red and she had claws.Nyuu growled at her and barred her teeth revealing fangs.

Zabuza and Kakashi looked in the direction of the Ninetails presence."So, that's what happens"Kakashi muttered.

"So, those two are-?"

Kakashi interrupted him,"Yeah, but they haven't figured it out yet."

"That explains why they look alike."

"If anything they look more like their parents."(Akuma:What is wrong with me?One minute Kakashi and Zabuza hate each other the next they're talking like they're friends.I clearly have issues.)

Nyuu POV

The pink haired girl, who is she? I know I've seen her and the old man before but I can't remember where.It's like something is clouding my memory.These people,I can't kill them I think.As quick as the fog on my mind appeared it disappeared. Wait,what was I thinking about.Eh,must not of been important.

Sakura was giving me a weird look."What?"I asked.

"Nothing"Sakura said and I shrugged.That was weird.I looked to where Haku was fighting Naruto.I could just barely makeout a silhouette on the ground.If Naruto's fighting Haku that means that must be Sasuke.Did Haku kill him?

"Sakura?"I said getting her attention.

"What is it?"she asked.

"Duckbutt's either dead or unconscious.I'm not sure."Sakura stiffened and I looked back at Tazuna and he nodded.

"I'll go over there with you two so you can see if he's alive"Tazuna said and Sakura nodded.We made our way over to Sasuke and Sakura tried not to cry.I felt a sudden pain in my chest. What the hell's going?!Why does it hurt?

It shouldn't,you've seen people die before. . .Hell you've killed people before,Kurama's voice cut through my thoughts.

You do have a point,I guess.I must've toned out for a second because the next thing I remember seeing is Gato kicking Haku.I could already tell that Haku was dead but it still made me mad.Considering,Haku was my first real friend.I bolted to where Haku was."Get the hell away from him"I growled at Gato.

"And if I don't?"he asked.I really wanted to rip him apart then and there.

"I'll take my kunais and cut out your heart and cut it into tiny animal shapes and feed it to your goons"I practically shouted at him.Naruto took a few steps away and it was really funny.If he's afraid of me now he shoulda seen what happened to that one guy,of course he deserved it.He called me the Bloody Hothead and he said I reminded him of this one woman called the Bloody Habanero,but I have no idea who that is.

"Nyuu . . .don't do anything stupid.You already have enough blood on your hands so I'll take care of it"Zabuza said and I sighed and head up a kunai.He bit it to use it as a weapon, I guess, I don't know he's confusing.I walked back over to Sasuke not really wanting to do anything else.

I'm guessing I toned out a again because I heard Sakura shout,"Sasuke's alive!"Lets just say Duckbutt got tackled in a hug-by me. . .I also mentally cursed myself for the hugging him thing.

"N-Nyuu get off me!"Sasuke stuttered.

"What's the magic word?"I asked burying my face in his chest.

". . .Please."I'm pretty sure a part of him just died,oh well.

"Good Duckbutt"I said releasing him.That's when I realised a couple of people were staring.

Kakashi POV(Akuma:Yeah it's finally happening!)

"Hey ,Kakashi, how much you wanna bet they'll start dating in the next month or so?"Naruto said with his hands behind his head.

"$30 if they start dating in the next month."I said and Naruto nodded.

Akuma:And that's it for this chapter and I'm gonna focus on other things until this chapter gets at least 10 votes.

Nyuu:Oh c'mon do you not like me anymore?

Akuma:I'm just not into the anime/manga that much now.

Nyuu:You're a bigger jerk than Sasuke.

Sasuke:Gee thanks.

Nyuu:Ah!Sasuke when'd you get here?

Sasuke:Does it matter loser.

Akuma:Knock it off.Save it for the next chapter.

Nyuu & Sasuke:What?


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