Chapter 15

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Nyuu POV

"The third match is Nyuu Namikaze versus Ino Yamanaka"the Hayate guy said."Begin"he said.So you're gonna let Princess make the first move,Kurama said.

Well I might as well.I mean she's gonna lose no matter what she does. Ino held her hands up in some random jutsu symbol.

Get moving,brat.(A/N:For some reason I feel like I'm making Kurama like Levi.I guess it doesn't matter they're both badass.) Instead of taking Kurama's advice like a smart person would,I threw my kunai past her head and it cut a few strands of her hair.Let's just say that was a funny mistake. Ino threw a hissie fit and cut the rest of her hair before throwing it across the floor.

"How's that supposed to help you?"I asked a bored tone in my voice.

"You're not talking this seriously are you?!?!"Ino shouted.

"Can't say I am,Princess"I said.Now,you're just messing with her,Kurama said. Ino looked pissed,it was hilarious.

"Ugh,you're so annoying!Can't you take anything seriously?You've been messing around the entire time during these exams!"Ino shouted and I laughed.

"Why should I take you guys seriously?You rookies have no idea what you're in for.You can't fight and you can hardly defend yourselves.There's only a few of you that could pose an actual threat"I said.

"And who would they be?"Ino asked.If looks could kill I'd be dead a thousand times already.

"Shikamaru with that brain of his,Naruto,and I guess the Duckbutt if he trains"I said.

"How is Naruto a possible threat?"Ino asked.

"The kid has tons of stamina,not to mention a hell of a chakra reserve,and determination"I said a grin on my face.Ino growled before holding her hands back up in the jutsu symbol from before.You might want to run,idiot, Kurama growled. "Now, where's the fun in that?"I accidentally said aloud. Ino looked kind of confused. You can't move,can you? 

Nope,I can't.

You're hopeless. I just grinned when he said that. Wipe that stupid grin off your face.

I don't wanna~.I really should be focusing on Princess but messing with Kurama is so fun.

"Mind Transfer Jutsu!"Damn,I need to pay attention more.

Third POV

Ino used the mind transfer jutsu on Nyuu and she was controlling,well sort of controlling, Nyuu's body. Ino raised her hand."I,Nyuu Namikaze,for-"she was interrupted by a growl.

"Get the hell out"Nyuu's voice growled but it was a little distorted.

"What the?"Ino said.Her feet were suddenly covered in water.She looked around and saw a cage.A fox,a very mad fox named Kurama, growled at her from behind the bars.

"I thought I warned you"Kurama growled at her.Ino's eyes widened and she quickly did a few hand signs.

"Mind Transfer Release"Ino shouted and she returned to her own body.Nyuu growled but her eyes were red and her nails were extended into claws.

"What are you?"Ino gasped looking at Nyuu.

Everyone except Nyuu suddenly disappeared and a shackle was around her throat."Huh?"Nyuu said looking around,a little bit of her sanity regained.Her eyes were still red but now they had grey specks in them and her claws weren't as long or sharp. Kurama was next to her,except he was a human.What? He had a shackle around his throat as well.They both had chains that led to the ground but they got clearer the closer it was to the ground.It looked like the just became invisible when it got to the ground.

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