Yeah It's Late Sorry Holiday/New Years Special

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Akuma:Alright guys so I figured I'd give you all an actual update and a holiday/new years update.So this chapter is gonna be probably somewhat long.One Fuck logic and two I sorta based this off of another anime called Wolf Girl and Black Prince.Plus I will be leaving some out.If you're into lovey-dovey animes I would highly recommend you watch it.I mean I'm not a lovey-dovey person but I love this anime it isn't in my top five but it's still really good.But this is basically my Naruto Version(not including shippings I actually ship I don't need to start a war) of the first episode.But it will include Nyuu and another one of my ocs that will be properly introduced in the sequel that'll take place in Shippuden.Also,for those of you wondering why I said "Fuck logic" is because it's . . . Actually I got no excuse. Oh also this takes place in like the first year year of high school also it's modern.Also conversations will get really weird considering I'm sorta basing it off the show so since in the show it starts out her first year of high school(the school stuff is like how it is in Japan so they're basically their Shippuden selves) that's where that comes from.Oh and Minato and Kushina are alive in this.Prepare yourself for a lot of time skips and man this is long.

Third POV

"Lucy,what am I gonna do? We don't have the same class so I'm not gonna have anyone to talk to I'll end up all alone"Nyuu whined as her and her blonde haired friend named Lucy walked to school.

Lucy sighed and looked at her crazy red headed friend,"Put on a smile and try to get some friends."

"I try but-"Nyuu started to say but was hit in the face by a soccer ball."Oww"Nyuu muttered before glaring at the kids that kicked the ball.

"Wow she's scary"One of the boys muttered.

"Huh?No I'm not scary I was just getting ready to return your ball"Nyuu said smiling sweetly.

"Whatever just give us the ball back"One of the other boys said.Nyuu sighed before grinning.

"Get ready to see the kick of a future pro-athlete"Nyuu said before kicking the ball.It hit the fence before flying back and breaking someone's window.

After,Nyuu apologized they continued their way to school."You're lucky those people were so nice.Also you need to quit lying or soon you'll drown in you're own lies"Lucy said as they walked to their classes.

"No!Don't leave me!What am I gonna do without you?I don't want to be alone"Nyuu whined as Lucy walked in her class.

"Make some friends and too bad so sad"Lucy said leaving her alone.

"Meanie"Nyuu said walking to her class.She walked to the back of the class and sat down.Everyone's already grouped up,Nyuu thought.A bag was suddenly placed beside of Nyuu with a really cute keychain on it.

"Oh that's cute-"Nyuu started to say but a pink haired girl interrupted her.

"Ino!It's so good to see you"Pinky squealed.(Akuma:In this Ino and Sakura are best friends and they aren't into a certain duckbutt.They each have their own boyfriends.Forget logic!!!!!)

"Sakura!!"the girl,known as Ino,said hugging her. They talked for a few minutes to catch up.Afterwards,they started talking about they're boyfriends.

"But he's really wanting to try tying up me up when we have sex"Ino said.

"You should try it maybe you'd like it"Nyuu said.

"Whoa!!!You've done it before"Sakura and Ino said in sync.

"Yeah"Nyuu said.Another lie,Nyuu thought.She pulled up a seat and started talking with them.

Time Skip

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