Chapter 9

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Third POV

"Sasuke!"Sakura shrieked. Nyuu rolled out of the bed and pulled the pillow out from under Sasuke's head.When she hit the floor she rolled under the bed and laid her head on the pillow and went back to sleep. As soon as Sasuke's head hit the bed he popped up and glared at Sakura.

"What do you want?"Sasuke growled.Kakashi hobbled in the room and quickly glanced around the room.

"Where's Nyuu?"Kakashi asked.

"Under the bed"Sakura said. Kakashi walked over bed and looked at Nyuu.

"Nyuu get up"Kakashi sighed facepalming.

"In an hour"Nyuu said with a yawn.Sasuke stifled a yawn and walked over to the bed, he grabbed her ankle and pulled her out from under the bed."Fuck you,Sasuke"Nyuu muttered.

"You probably would"Sasuke with a smirk.

"I'll yell at you later,right now I'm to tired"Nyuu muttered standing up and stretching. Nyuu sat on the bed and did a shoo hand thing.

"Why?"Sakura asked.

"I need to meditate"Nyuu sighed.They seemed kinda shocked but they left her alone.

Time Skip

After Nyuu finished meditating she hurried to catch up with the rest of her squad."Hiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!"Nyuu shouted running upto them.

"Hey Nyuu!!!"Naruto shouted back.

"Naruto . . .wanna have a poke war?"Nyuu asked grinning at him.

"Neh I'd lose"Naruto said.Nyuu shrugged and poked Sasuke in the forhead.

"Now do any of you know what chakra is?"Kakashi asked.

"Yeah I know what catra is"Naruto said.

"Naruto, Kaka-Sensei didn't say catra he said chakra.Yes,of course there is such thing as catra"Nyuu said. Kakashi raised an eyebrow at her."Oh my god,a squirrel!!!"Nyuu shouted running up a tree to grab the squirrel. The squirrel tried to run but Nyuu caught it before it could run away. Naruto and Sakura stared at her wide eyed. Nyuu jumped down and grinned at them. She held the squirrel out to Sasuke and he looked at like what am I suppose to do with it.Nyuu set it on his shoulder and it quickly ran off.

"Nyuu,would you mind climbing the tree again without using your hands"Kakashi said using his I'm not asking I'm telling you voice.Nyuu nodded and shot him a grin.Nyuu ran up the tree and stood on a branch. She made it look like she was going to fall but she ended up hanging upside down from the branch."Good job,Nyuu.Now,that's what you all are going to be learning"Kakashi said to the rest of them.

"Hey,Kaka-Sensei, since I already now how to do this what will I do?"Nyuu asked jumping down.

"I don't know or should I say I don't care"Kakashi said.

"Then,I shall,train or walk.Yeah,I'll just walk and read"Nyuu said. She pulled out a book and started walking.

Kakashi facepalmed and said,"Tree."Nyuu walked around the tree and Kakashi sighed.

Time Skip

Nyuu had been walking for the past hour or had it been 30 minutes. She ran into a tree for the umpthteen time and she kicked the tree then swore clutching her foot.She heard a small laugh from the other side of the tree. She carefully walked around the tree,her book in hand.She was holding the book like it was a weapon. As soon as she saw the person she hit them in the head with the book.When she saw who it was she shouted,"Haku,I'm sorry! I didn't know it was you!"

"It's fine,Nyuu"Haku said.

Nyuu grinned at him,"Why are you wearing a dress?"

Haku sighed and facepalmed,"What are you doing here,Nyuu?"

"Walking and plotting revenge against Duck-Butt"Nyuu said. Haku gave her a weird look then he stood up.

"I've got to get back to Zabuza"Haku said walking off.Nyuu shrugged and climbed up the tree to finish reading her book for the tenth time.

Time Skip Brought to You by Sasuke's Stripping Career

Naruto and Sasuke stumbled in the doorway and collapsed on the floor."Are you guys okay?"Sakura asked. Sasuke nodded and looked around.

"Where's Nyuu?"Sasuke asked and Sakura shrugged.

"What if Nyuu had a brother or a sister?"Naruto said being completely random. If only you knew,Naruto, Kakashi thought.

"That'd be a disaster"Sasuke said.

"How so?"Kakashi asked.

"Imagine someone as crazy and hyperactive as Nyuu"Sasuke said.

"So Naruto"Sakura said and Sasuke shrugged. Sasuke stood up and walked out the door.

Time Skip

Nyuu closed her eyes and sighed. Before she opened her eyes a hand was placed over them."Nyuu,seriously let's get back"Sasuke said.

"Move your hand,Duck-I mean Sasuke"Nyuu said. Sasuke rolled his eyes and moved his hand."Hey,Sasuke, will you carry me?I'm tired."

"I don't have a choice do I?"Nyuu shock her head and grinned. Sasuke rolled his eyes and walked off.Nyuu walked after him.

"Duck-Butt!!!Why do you gotta be so mean to me?"Sasuke rolled his eyes and continued walking.

Time Skip(So...So many time skips.I have a problem.Also what happens next my not be exactly like what happens in the anime or manga but it keeps the same story line...I think...hopefully.In all honesty I just wanna get the Zabuza saga over with cause I'm out of ideas for it now the chunin exams that's a different story.)

A couple of days had passed and they met Inari and learned about Kaiza and Naruto now wants to prove the existence of heroes to Inari.Now,Nyuu was at the bridge with Sakura,Kakashi,Sasuke,and Tazuna. Nyuu was doodling in a notebook.She was doodling a picture of Sasuke as a neko."Hey,Nyuu,what's that drawing you've been working on for the past couple of days?"Sakura asked.

Nyuu looked up at her,"Nothin'."Nyuu looked back down at her doodle and continued to work on it.Sakura sighed and returned to whatever she was doing before.Sasuke looked over Nyuu's shoulder to see what she was doodling.Nyuu tilted her head back to look at him,"Can I help ya?"

"Why are you drawing me?"Sasuke asked.

"Dunno, I started doodling and this happened."A thick mist surrounded them and Nyuu quickly put her notebook up.A small frown made it's way across her face,"...Zabuza."Four water clones surrounded them and Sasuke destroyed all the water clones.Haku and Sasuke started fighted.(Each time I read that I imagine Sasuke and Haku both dressed in pink having a cat fight.) Kakashi and Zabuza started fighting as well.There was a puff of smoke and something that sounded like firecrackers. When the smoke cleared Naruto was standing there. "Naruto Uzumaki,you are the biggest idiot I've ever met"Nyuu whispered.

Akuma:One more chapter left then the Zabuza saga is finally over,yes.

Nyuu:Yay!So after the Zabuza saga what's next? blackmail Sasuke.


Nyuu:Do I get him to dress up as a maid?

Akuma:I'm not spoiling anything.


Sasuke:...Why do you insist on torturing me?

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