Welcome To The End Of Book One

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I know what you guys are thinking, "What the hell was that last chapter?!?!" All I gotta say is I told you I had a final card, and I just had to use it.  Anyways, I will tell you this now, there is going to be a sequel, as soon as I have it up put a link to it on here. Okay? Okay, so just be patient. 

I will not however tell you if Nyuu is alive or not. I will tell you this though, the next book will be introducing some new characters, there will be a pair of twins, a friend for Nyato, and two characters that won't be as main of characters that they were originally gonna be. 

So, yeah, hopefully I can get the first chapter of the next book within a few weeks. It's hard to update when you have school and a few other things you're working on.

Anyways, I'll let you guys know when I have the next book up. Until then later!


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