Chapter 19 . . . This Is Chapter 19 Right?

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Akuma: Alright guys, I'm leaving out a lot of stuff (Like that's new). Don't ask why, I just am. As I type this I have no idea if the Itachi thing (Ya know where he's in the Leaf and sees Duckbutt and all that lovely crap) will happen. . . . . Who knows, I don't and I'm dork for the Uchiha brothers. (I'm a dork anyways but ya know.) So yeah, no idea. If it is, it is. If it isn't, don't kill me! 

Third POV

"Alright, guys let's play volleyball!!!" Nyato shouted with a grin on his face.

"Go home, Shortie," Sasuke said, staring at Nyato like he was an idiot.

"I may be short but I can jump!"

Nyuu popped up, "Holy shit, that creeper is in my dreams now!!!" (A/N: Most of this first little bit was brought to you by Baka-Chan03.)

Nyuu sighed and stood up. "Wait, how am I home?" Nyuu asked herself as she looked around.

Nyuu walked outside only to get tackled by a certain idiot in an orange jumpsuit.

"Nyuu, you're okay! I thought something had happened to you!" Naruto exclaimed, squeezing the life out of his sister.

"Wait, what happened? Last, thing I remember that creep knocked me out and-" Nyuu started but was interrupted by Naruto.

"Creep?" The blond asked.

"That guy who pretended to be Dosu," Nyuu said.

"Oh, him! . . . Come to think of it, I haven't seen him since the end of 'his' match," Naruto said, "Just who is he anyways?"

"Uhh, his name's Nyato . . . . . didn't he say this?"

"Well yeah but, I meant how do you know him?" Naruto said.

"Uhh, it's hard to explain," Nyuu said rubbing the back of her neck.

"Alright whatever.Believe it!"

". . . . Did you just start saying "Believe it" or have I never noticed before?" Nyuu asked.  

Time Skip (Cause I don't wanna write the whole visit from Itachi thing. Which says a lot cause I love Itachi, I mean who doesn't love that weasel. Oh, right we are at the beginning of The Sasuke Rescue Mission, meaning they haven't left the village yet.)

"I'll bring Sasuke back don't worry, Nyuu," Naruto said with a grin.

"Hmph, I don't care if that dumb duckbutt comes back or not," Nyuu said glaring at the ground.

"Huh?" Everyone else said.

"Don't bring him back for me, bring him back for Sakura. I don't want that jerk back," Nyuu said before she walked off, leaving everyone else stunned.

Nyuu opened her front door and walked in before closing it. She leaned against the door and slid down it with tears streaming down her face. She hugged her knees to her chest and mumbled, 

"That damn jerk, he didn't even say goodbye."

Time Skip

Nyuu was tackled in a hug when she walked into Naruto's hospital room. "What the bloody hell?!" Nyuu shouted, only to realize it was Nyato that hugged her.

"Hi, Dear Sister," Nyato said with a grin.

"Uhh, get off," Nyuu said and Naruto stared at Nyuu confused. Nyato let go of her and smiled.

"Dear Sister?" Naruto asked.

"Oh right, you don't know yet, Big Brother," Nyato said turning to smile at Naruto.

"Big Brother?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, Naruto, Nyato here is apparently our little brother," Nyuu sighed.

"Yep!" Nyato said.

"That explains so much," Kankuro muttered.

"What the hell are you doing here?!?!?! Did you come to get your ass kicked?!?!?!?!" Nyuu shouted glaring at Kankuro. 

"Um, no, we came to help these guys," Kankuro said.

"Oh okay, you live. . .  for now but," Nyuu said smiling at him, "If you ever hurt either of my brothers I'll cut your fingers off and feed them to the homeless."

"Creepy," Naruto, Kiba, and Kankuro muttered in sync, while Nyato just laughed.

Time Skip (There's gonna be quite a few this chapter. Enjoy~)

Naruto had left with Jiraiya about a week ago and Nyato disappeared when the Sand Siblings left. He must have followed Kankuro. Nyuu sighed and she saw a pair of scissors. She smiled and picked up the scissors and walked to the bathroom.

A few minutes later she walked out and her hair was to her shoulders.

"It's time for a change," Nyuu said to herself with a smile.

Time Skip

Nyuu was in the forest outside of the village. She was sitting on a tree branch with a small smile on her face. "Now, this is a change," Nyuu grinned.

"Hiya, Nyuu," Nyato said and he was suddenly upside down in front of her.

"Hi," Nyuu said with a small laugh.

"I got a question."


"So the people who raised me were wondering if you wanted to join us. so basically what I'm asking is- Will you join the Akatsuki?" Nyato asked with a grin.

"Hmmm, why not? I wanted a change anyways."


Time Skip (Only by a few months now. By a few I mean like four.) Nyuu POV

There was something covering my eyes, I had no idea what was going on. I heard footstep and voices, but everything was mumbled. I felt a sharp pain in my arm. What is going on? What happened?

After a few minutes I was able to make out what people wear saying, "It looks like it worked."

What worked? What are they talking about?

"Yes, it would appear so," Was that Kabuto's voice? I haven't seen that guy since whenever that was.

"Yes, which means we no longer need her. So get rid of her, Kabuto, she's of no use to me now," the other voice said. Wait, 'get rid of'? Am I going to die? No, I can't not yet at least! I have to protect Naruto and Nyato!

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