Chapter 3

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Akuma: Sorry for not updating in like forever I'll try to more often. The only reason I'm able to update is because I wrote most of this chapter during school. I've also been thinking of more background history/attack pattens for Nyuu. Anywho I don't own Naruto if I did Sasuke and Itachi would have a little sister, Sasori would have a daughter, Kakashi would be in love with a girl named Angel and lots more crazy stuff.

Third POV

"Your late"Iruka said looking at Nyuu," Did you get lost?"

"Not exactly. A black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way here. Then this old lady- Oh My God is that a puppy!"Nyuu exclaimed jumping infront of the boy with upside down triangles on his face. She carefully grabbed the dog off his head.

"I'm Kiba Inuzuka and that's Akamaru" Kiba said grinning at Nyuu. She and looked back toward Iruka and saw Naruto tied up.

"Why's Naruto tied up?"Nyuu asked and Kiba just shrugged.Nyuu jumped off the desk and walked toward Naruto, still holding Akamaru. "So,why are you tied up?"she asked.

"Long story now please untie me"Naruto whinned.

"Only because you said please"Nyuu said while pulling out her father's kunai. She cut the ropes and put the kunai up. Naruto grinned and Iruka cleared his throat. Naruto's and Nyuu's heads snapped in Iruka's direction.

"So your a dog person"Naruto said ignoring Iruka and turning back to Nyuu.

"I guess you could say that but, can you blame me? Besides,Akamaru's so cute"she said grinning and holding up Akamaru.

"Are you even listening to me?!"Iruka shouted.

"You hear something?"Nyuu asked Naruto.

"Nope!"Naruto jusst grinned(A/N: So much grinning. Man I'm weird)and Iruka just sighed.

"Alright then your all going to perform the Transformation Justu as a review"Iruka said and most people just started to complain. Kiba walked up to Nyuu.

"Can I have Akamaru back, now?"he asked and Nyuu pouted.

"Fine"she pouted and handed him Akamaru.

"What's your name?"Kiba asked.

"Nyuu Namikaze."

Akuma: Sorry for the chapter being so short. I don't know what to say here. So yeah Sasuke is going to be in the next chapter. If you have any ideas tell me. Anywho I'll try to write the next chapter as soon as possible. If I take to long on the next chapter one of my friends will probably threaten/remind me.

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