Chapter 18? I Don't Know, I Lost Count

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Akuma: Why am I still writing this?. . . . Oh right, cause people are reading this. Ugh, I just wanna focus on some other stuff. Oh well, I like Nyato so I'll continue writing this to have some fun with that psycho. . . . . Anyways, enjoy this chapter, I'm just making stuff up as I go along.

Third POV

"Naruto, get up!!!" Nyuu shouted as she ran into the room the Uzumaki practically stole. She jumped up and landed right on the sleeping baka's stomach.

"THE HELL?!?!" Naruto shouted. He popped up and Nyuu fell into the floor. Nyuu laughed and Naruto glared at her, "What the hell was that for?"

"It got you to wake up, didn't it?" The redhead replied casually. 

Naruto's eye twitched, "Why'd you wake me up in the first place?"

"Um, chunin exams, ring a bell? Oh, wait, there's not a bell to ring," Nyuu said before she stood up and walked out of the room.

Naruto facepalmed before getting ready and joining his sister in the other room. "Soooo, did you make breakfast?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah," Nyuu said and the blond looked like he just got a million bucks. Nyuu grinned when she said, "For me." Naruto looked at her like the sky was falling.

"Anyways, later, bro! I'll see ya at the arena!" Nyuu shouted as she bolted out the door.

"She'll be late, won't she?" Naruto asked no one in particular.

Time Skip

After, Naruto got to the arena and had yet another embarrassing moment to go in the scrap book, Shikamaru asked, "Where's Nyuu?"

"She said she'd meet me here," Naruto replied.

"Well, she isn't here," Dosu said. Naruto looked at Dosu. Why does he care?, Naruto thought. (A/N: There's a reason Dosu is here. Don't question my awesome logic, cause I'm the totally Awesome Prussia.)

"Squirrel!!!" A familiar voice, that belonged to Nyuu, shouted. Everyone turned to stare at the girl who was hanging upside down from a tree with a squirrel in her hands. "Oh, hi, Naruto," Nyuu said as she grinned at her brother.

"Get over here and leave the squirrel," the proctor, known as Genma, said.

"But the squirrel might get hurt!!!"

"You should worry about yourself not a squirrel," Kankuro said.

"Can it, Makeup!!!"

"Nyuu, just leave the squirrel and get over here so we can start already," Shikamaru said.

"Fine but if anything happens to the squirrel. You. Are. Dead," Nyuu said. She set the squirrel down and ran over to the others.

"So, where's Sasuke?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know," Shikamaru said.

"You two hush, stand up straight and present yourselves proudly to the spectators," Genma said.  Everyone straightened up and Nyuu looked bored. "You guys are the heroes of this final competition." 

We interrupt your scheduled broadcast to tell you who's fighting who. . . . Cause I forgot to do that.

Naruto vs Neji (Can't change the best fight of the final stage.)

Sasuke vs Gaara ( I just didn't feel like changing that one.)

Shikamaru vs Temari (Didn't feel like changing this one either.)

Dosu vs Shino (Now, we come to a change.)

Nyuu vs Kankuro (Cause why the hell not.)

We now return you to your scheduled broadcast. Oh, also we're skipping straight to the first match and then we'll be skipping the first match. Mainly, because the author is very lazy and doesn't write in that much detail when they're bored.

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