Chapter 11

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Akuma:Alright guys so this isn't really the start of the chunin(I really hope I spelled that right)exams just yet.That's gonna be the next chapter but this chapter is important so please don't assume it's just a filler and skip it.But I hope a few of you guys that put up with my randomness and slowness like this chapter.I in all honestly find it somewhat adorable.And I'm terribly sorry if Sasuke is a little OOC in this I tried to keep him as in character as possible.If you have any suggestions on how to keep him from being OOC please tell me.Anyways that's all I have to say so continue reading.

Third POV

Since Naruto and them had gotten back Nyuu was losing sleep,which is bad.Why you ask,well simple Kiba somehow got one of her keys to her apartment so every single night at around 12 he walks into her apartment and wakes her up.Plus,since Naruto for some reason is living with her now so when Kiba comes in they argue and Akamaru goes to Nyuu's door and barks until she lets him in. It was starting to become obvious she was losing sleep considering she fell asleep in a tree,tried to use Sasuke as a pillow,and every time someone says her name she jumps because she was half asleep."Nyuu,wake up"a certain Uchiha said glaring at her.

"Sorry,I just haven't been able to get much sleep lately. . . Please help me"Nyuu said.Sasuke facepalmed and Sakura sighed.

"How come Naruto's late?"Sakura asked.

"Oh I told him to clean up my apartment or he doesn't get any ramen for dinner"Nyuu muttered yawning.Sasuke rolled his eyes.Nyuu yawned and once again tried to use Sasuke as a pillow.

"Get off me"Sasuke said through gritted teeth but Nyuu was already asleep. Sakura shot a glare towards Nyuu.How dare she use my Sasuke as a pillow,Sakura thought. Sasuke noticed Sakura glaring at Nyuu and he shot her a glare.Sakura looked shocked then she looked away. Sasuke sighed and looked back at Nyuu.

"Hey guys"Naruto shouted running up to them.Nyuu shot up suddenly awake. Sasuke rolled his eyes.Nice timing idiot,Sasuke thought shooting Naruto a glare.

"I'm bored c'mon Sasuke"Nyuu muttered grabbing Sasuke's hand and dragging him away.

"She better not have a thing for Sasuke,he's mine"Sakura said after they were a good distance away.

"Well what if Sasuke likes her?"Naruto asked.

"Sasuke wouldn't like an idiot like her"Sakura said.

With Nyuu and Sasuke

"Where are we going?"Sasuke asked.

". . . I don't know"Nyuu said stopping in her tracks.

"So you dragged me away without knowing where you were going"Sasuke muttered.

"Yeah"Nyuu said rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

Sasuke rolled his eyes,"Idiot."Nyuu sighed and closed her eyes for a second before opening them when she thought of something.

"Oh I know"Nyuu said a small smile on her lips.Sasuke raised an eyebrow at her but she didn't notice.She squeezed his hand accidentally reminding them both they were standing in the middle of the village holding hands.Sasuke glanced at Nyuu who had a light shade of pink on her cheeks.This idiot is actually kinda cute sometimes,Sasuke thought a small smirk on his lips.Nyuu avoided his gaze before she realized they were still standing there.Without warning she dragged Sasuke to a small isolated lake.Why a lake? Nyuu seemed to realize Sasuke's confusion and she smiled a little at him.

"I thought you might like it here,I accidentally found it when I was exploring the Leaf Village.Not many people come here,which is why I thought you'd like it"Nyuu looking at the ground shyly.Looks like this dork has two sides to her.But what shocks me is that she actually thinks about me,Sasuke thought.Nyuu took off her sandals and headband before walking to the edge of the lake.She sat down and dipped her feet in the water.Sasuke sighed before doing the same.

"Hey Sasuke"Nyuu said snapping Sasuke out of his thoughts.Sasuke looked at her but her hair was hiding her face.". . . Please don't hate me for what I'm about to do"Nyuu continued.Before Sasuke could ask what she meant she pushed him into the water.

Sasuke's head poked out of the water and he glared at Nyuu who was grinning like a madman.So that's why-She purposely made sure her hair was hiding her face so I couldn't tell she was planning this,Sasuke thought.Sasuke sighed and swam under the water.Nyuu looked around trying to find him.His hand shot out of the water and grabbed her ankle before he pulled her into the water. After a minute both their heads popped up above the water.

"Jerk"Nyuu said splashing Sasuke with water.

"Says the idiot that pushed me in the water"Sasuke growled splashing her back.

"Whatever,Sasuke"Nyuu said looking away.Sasuke rolled his eyes at Nyuu.Sasuke swam under water.Nyuu looked around because she didn't see Sasuke swim under water.Nyuu swam under water looking around for Sasuke.Her back was slammed against the wall.(A/N:Sorry but that sounds better than side of lake.) She looked up to see a pair of red sharingan eyes staring at her.Nyuu gasped but a pair of lips were suddenly slammed on her's.Nyuu stiffened and her eyes widened in shock.Sasuke's eyes turned back to their regular onyx color when he seemed to realize what he was doing.He pulled away and swam up to the surface. Nyuu needing air quickly swam up to the surface.As soon as her head popped up above the surface she started gasping for air.

Nyuu saw that Sasuke was already out of the water and was walking away."Sasuke wait!!!"Nyuu shouted getting out of the water and running after him.

"Leave me alone"Sasuke said as Nyuu caught up to him.

"But I-"

"Go away."

"-Just want-"

"I thought I told you to leave me alone."

"-To talk."

"Talk about what?Whatever it was that just happened?!Well there's nothing to talk about so leave me alone"Sasuke snapped before running off leaving a very shocked Nyuu standing there.

Akuma:I think I might've made Sasuke a bit too cruel around the end,oh well.

Nyuu:This was a very. . .um.

Sasuke: . . . Interesting chapter.

Akuma:Also I think I stuck to Sasuke's personality pretty good. . . I think. If I didn't just go ahead and tell me. Also sorry about it being kinda short.

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