Chapter 14

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Akuma:Why are you all reading this?It's awful.Don't waste your time reading this.Go read something that's good.Are you still reading this?Don't read it it's awful like the worst thing ever.It's worst than "My Immortal" that Harry Potter fanfic thing.So,shoo, don't waste your time here. . .reading this awful thing,that isn't worthy of being called a fanfic.

Third POV

"Nyuu,you don't have to say it like that,idiot"Sasuke mumbled as he facepalmed.

"But I thought it'd be funny. . . . .And I was sooooo right"Nyuu said grinning.Sasuke rolled his eyes and Nyuu was receiving death glares from Pinky(Sakura) and Princess(Ino).Nyuu was to busy messing with Kiba's jacket to notice.Sasuke glared at Ino and Sakura.They instantly stopped glaring and looked at the ground.

"You're an idiot sometimes,Nyuu"Sasuke said and Nyuu groinned at him."Wipe that stupid grin off your face"Sasuke said and Nyuu rolled her eyes.

"Can we continue?"Ibiki asked sounding annoyed.

"Yeah sure no one's stopping you"Nyuu said.Ibiki's eye twitched and he looked annoyed.

Mini Time Skip

Nyuu was sitting next to Gaara and she was tapping her pencil on the desk,obviously bored.Ibiki said start and Nyuu read the first question.Haha nope,Nyuu thought before turning the test over and drawing on the back. 

Tick tock tick tock,I'm gonna fucking destroy that clock,Nyuu thought.

Wow aren't you angry,Kurama growled.

Angry,annoyed,bored,I can keep going.

No need for that,Kurama sighed.Nyuu sighed and started tapping her fingers on her desk.

Ino looked at Nyuu who seemed to be writing something.Maybe that idiot isn't useless after all,Ino thought.Ino held her hands out in front of her in the mind transfer jutsu hand symbols.(I'm tired and I don't know how to describe stuff right now.I just wanna finish this chapter to actually get to work on the chapter I'm looking forward to.I mean I've already finished the next chapter,I finished it like a month ago.)Mind Transfer Jutsu,Ino thought.

Nyuu suddenly slouched down before lifting her head and looking up.Hmm perfect,Ino thought.Ino looked down at Nyuu's paper only to be shocked and to feel completely stupid.On Nyuu's test there was a picture of Sasuke and Naruto kissing.(Sorry not sorry.)

What the hell is wrong with her?!I feel like such an idiot

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What the hell is wrong with her?!I feel like such an idiot. How could I've thought she actually had some answers?Ugh. 

What are you doing in here?,a low voice growled.

"Huh?"Ino accidentally said aloud.Gaara glanced over at her and raised a nonexistent eyebrow at her.Ino quickly looked down somewhat embarrassed.What was that?I must be going insane because of this idiot. A growl interrupted her thoughts.

Ino was suddenly standing in a place with nothing but darkness.(I've said it earlier I'm tired so bleh.) I'm not going to repeat myself, the voice growled.

I don't know what you mean,Ino replied.

Get out of Nyuu's body and if you do this again I'll kill you,the voice growled.

Ino quickly returned to reality and released the jutsu.Once Nyuu was back in reality,Ibiki was blabbing away and Nyuu didn't even notice.Naruto was about to raise his hand when Nyuu looked at her paper and shouted,"I ship my boyfriend and my best friend!!!!!!!"She clearly forgot she was in a room with other people.Sadly,for her,but funny for us,she said this right when Kankuro opened the door and walked in.

"Nope"Kankuro said turning and trying to walk off.One of the people watching them stopped him as he tried to walk out of the room.

"If we have to deal with this so do you"he said and Kankuro sighed before walking back to his seat.

Sasuke facepalmed and muttered something along the lines of,"I thought she forgot about that stupid kiss accident thing."Sakura faceplanted on the desk and Naruto tilted his head in confusion. Nyuu,not even slightly embarrassed,noticed Naruto's confusion and held up the picture.Naruto saw the picture and he just made an 'o' shape with his mouth.Ibiki gave her a weird look before he resumed talking and Nyuu put the picture down.

Time Skip Cause I'm Lazy

The next morning,Nyuu was in the kitchen eating a piece of toast.The window was open and a squirrel was sitting on the window frame. Nyuu looked at a clock after finishing the piece of toast and she sighed. She grabbed a jar of peanut butter and a butter knife,she looked at the squirrel."I'll be right back so stay there"Nyuu said to the squirrel. She walked into the room Naruto was asleep in and came back a few minutes later with an open jar of peanut butter and a butter knife covered in peanut butter.She carefully picked up the squirrel and put it in the room,on the edge of the bed,before leaving and closing the door.Nyuu sat on the counter in the kitchen,after of course hiding the evidence,waiting for Naruto to get up. The screams of a certain blond could be heard all throughout the Leaf Village,which is why Kakashi was annoyed,the screams interrupted his reading.

Another Time Skip

Naruto,Nyuu,Sasuke,and Sakura were standing in the Forest of Death and bleh,bleh,bleh do I seriously have to explain all this can't you guys just use your imagination and let me time skip to the Oreo part then be done cause I am not writing the stupid Kabuto part or the Hokages stupid speech.Basically, I'm tired so Imma sum this crap up in like two setences and be done with this chapter,kay?Okay,I think Homestuck has either made me sassy or has fucked up my head.But anyways here's what happens Nyuu,Sasuke,and Pinky are separated from the beautiful blond and Nyuu has an internal freak out cause of Oreo.Then,Sasuke gets the three of them away from there and then Naruto saves their asses,and Sasuke gets the curse mark and now we're all caught up.See I just saved you all from having to read like four paragraphs of boring nothingness.

"Sakura,get Naruto and Sasuke out of here"Nyuu said creating a shadow clone to help Sakura get the bakas out of there.Orochimaru waited for Sakura to leave before he even acknowledged Nyuu's existence.

"I remember you"Orochimaru said.

"That's not something you wanna hear from a snake pedo"Nyuu said.Orochimaru rolled his eyes before he did the weird neck extended thingy and gave Nyuu the curse mark on the nape of her neck.Orochimaru disappeared and Nyuu somehow made it back to Sakura and the others before passing out.Once again,we are interrupted by a lazy author who doesn't want to right stuff.Okay,so everything pretty much happens the same way and Nyuu doesn't wake up till after the stupid fight and shit so yeah.

Akuma:Also that's the last little bit for this chapter so sorry for the suckishness and me.Please just be glad I updated.

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