Chapter 13

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Third POV

Naruto,Sasuke,and Sakura were waiting for Kakashi to show up and Nyuu had gotten back into the habit of being late.Kakashi appeared and before he even said"Hi" Sakura and Naruto were shouting at him."Where's Nyuu?"Kakashi asked when Sakura and Naruto had quit shouting.

"Don't know she was gone by the time I woke up"Naruto said.

Kakashi sighed,"Alright well hopefully she'll pop up sooner or later.Anyways Sasuke I wait you to tell her what she misses."Sasuke nodded and Kakashi told them all about them being entered in the chunin exams.After,he pried Naruto off himself he noticed Nyuu still hadn't shown up.Hmm,strange,Kakashi thought. 

"Why hasn't Nyuu shown up yet,Kakashi-Sensei?"Sakura asked right as said person walked up with a book in her hand.

Where were you?"Sasuke asked but Nyuu just brushed off his question.

"We need to talk"Nyuu growled at Kakashi.Kakashi just smiled but he could see the anger in Nyuu's eyes.

"Alright lets go"Kakashi said jumping down and walking away.Nyuu followed him and he could practically her glaring at him."So what'd you wanna talk about?"Kakashi asked once they were away from people.

"You were on my father's squad back when you were a genin"Nyuu said her bangs hiding her face."Add don't say you weren't there's a picture of your squad in this book"Nyuu added.

Kakashi's smile faded,"Well what are you mad about?"

"You knew all along didn't you?That I was his daughter"Nyuu said her eyes narrowing at him.

"Well yeah you look like your mother it was obvious really"Kakashi said not really seeming affected by this at all.

"You knew my mother?"

"Yeah she was scary when she was mad."

"Who was she?"

"Jiraiya never told you?"

"You know about him,too?!?!. . . . How?"

"That's a story for another time"Kakashi said taking the book from her and flipping through it.

"So,who was she?"Nyuu asked again looking down seeming a bit calmer now.

"Her name was Kushina sorry but that's all I can say about her for now"Kakashi said and Nyuu's eyes widened a little bit as if she realized something.Kakashi raised an eyebrow at her and Nyuu grinned.

"Anyways,thanks and sorry about the whole glaring at you thing"Nyuu said.

"Oh it's fine.Actually I've been meaning to ask why have you been acting a little strange lately?"

"I don't know it's just every now and then there are these little burst of anger and I don't really know why"Nyuu said looking down.Kakashi sighed but nodded."Oh yeah about the chunin exams-"

"You're already signed up for them so you don't have to worry"Kakashi said.

"Thank you!Cause if I wasn't allowed to participate in them I'd just sneak in like I did before"Nyuu said grinning.

"Wait what?"

"Nothing~"Nyuu said in a singsongy voice before running off.

Time Skip 

Sasuke,Naruto,Sakura,and Nyuu all met up at the building for the first stage of the chunin exams."You can't come in you weaklings"a guy said to the genin around the door.

"Who the fuck are you calling weak,I could kick your ass in a matter of minutes"Nyuu shouted at the person.Sasuke facepalmed and Naruto laughed.

"Nyuu?"Lee said.

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