Important Author's Note

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So, this basically just me fed up with people commenting the same stuff on this over and over again.

Yes, I know there are a lot of plot errors, but I'm never going to fix them there is no point in pointing them out. And everytime someone does I hate this fic more and more. I honestly despise this fic now.

I'm gonna do a purge of my old fics and jazz that I'll never work on or that I hate later. Meaning I'm gonna unpublish them. The Uzumaki Siblings Duology might be unpublished as well if I keep getting more comments like that. It just annoys the hell outta me.

I'm torn cause this was my first book on Wattpad and I don't want to unpublish it, but at the same time I do. Cause I'm tired of people pointing out the mistakes I made when I was like 13/14. By the time I realized my mistakes I was so bored with this fic I didn't bother trying to fix them.

I appreciate all of the people who comment, vote, and just read this in general, but I just get so annoyed seeing the same thing over and over. Sorry, if this seems rude I just wanted to say that it may or may not get unpublished. I'll also probably get some backlash for being rude and that's okay cause I honestly don't care anymore.

Thanks for reading.


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