Nyuu Namikaze

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Name: Nyuu Namikaze


DOB: October 10th

Rank: Ability and Strength Wise: Jounin+

Mother: Kushina Uzumaki (she doesn't know who her mother is)

Father: Minato Namikaze

Godfather: Jiraiya

Personality: A sweet and caring girl. Is always told she has her mother's temper. Easily annoyed. Can be loud at time. Is serious when she needs to be. Has a feisty attitude can be a little mean. Loves to fight,can get a little blood thirsty. Likes to mess with people. Curses alot at times doesn't most of the time.

Likes: Ramen, any sweets,Naruto,Jiraiya, Kakashi,sleeping, training, fighting, Tale of a Gusty Ninja,traveling, music

Dislikes: FANGIRLS,Orochimaru, People who thinks her hair is weird, waking up early

Abilities: uses lighting and wind type chakra,Rasengan,Giant Rasengan,Her own twist on the Rasengan,uses her fathers Kunai

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