Chapter 7

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Third POV

They met at the Leaf Village gate and surprisingly Nyuu was on time."So,where's Kakashi?"Nyuu asked.

"Who knows"Sasuke said.

"For your information I'm right here"Kakashi said appearing beside Naruto,who was staring at him wide eyed. Nyuu was suddenly standing in front of him except she was upside down.

"Hiiiiii!!!!"she said grinning like an idiot.

"Um…hi…I guess"Kakashi said.

"Honestly Nyuu"Sakura sighed.

"Can you move your red curtain or something?"Kakashi asked.

"Oh…um…Sorry"Nyuu said jumping down.

"Aren't you from outside the Village,Nyuu?"Naruto asked.

"Well technically I was born in the Leaf Village but my Godfather raised me while traveling"Nyuu answered.

"You were born in the Leaf Village"Sakura said.

"Yep"Nyuu said poking Sasuke in the forehead.

"Quit that"Sasuke said moving her hand.

"But it's fun"Nyuu whined.

"I don't care if it's fun"Sasuke growled.

"Ya know, you're easily angered"Nyuu said.

"Can we just start the mission already?"Kakashi asked.

"Yeah sure"Nyuu said walking out the gate with Naruto following her."So Naruto you ever been outside the Leaf Village?"Nyuu asked.

"No this is the first time"Naruto said.

"Well I've never been to the Land of Waves…At least I think I haven't"Nyuu said.

"Yeah but you've traveled around"Naruto said.

"True"Nyuu said stepping into a puddle."Kakashi, the puddle got me wet"Nyuu complained.

"Then, why'd you step in it?"Kakashi asked sounding annoyed.

"I didn't see it"Nyuu said poking Sasuke's arm.

"Why do you insist on poking me?"Sasuke said while glaring at her.

"Cause it's fun to make you mad"Nyuu said smiling at him.

"Quit bothering Sasuke"Sakura said.

"Hey!I thought we were on okay terms"Nyuu said.

"Just leave Sasuke alone"Sakura said.

"So your gonna have your girlfriend stick up for ya"Nyuu said to Sasuke.(A/N:For all you Sasuke X Sakura haters it's a joke so don't kill me.)Sakura almost fainted at Nyuu calling her Sasuke's girlfriend while Sasuke looked like he was going to be sick.

"Gross"Sasuke said.

"It's not gross that's just what it seems like"Nyuu said.

"I don't like Sakura we're not even friends"Sasuke growled. Sakura was suddenly depressed with her head hung.

"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine"Nyuu said sarcastically.

"Shut up,idiot"Sasuke said.

"I'm not an idiot"Nyuu said.Two ninja appeared behind Kakashi and chains wrapped around him.The chains ripped him apart.

"Sensei!"Naruto shouted.The ninja ran toward Naruto.Sasuke threw a shuriken and a kunai at the chain and pinned it to a tree.Nyuu appeared inbetween them and used the rasengan on one of them.The other one charged at Tazuna.Sakura got infront of him and Sasuke got infront of Sakura.Before the guy could reach Sasuke Kakashi caught the guy."How?"Naruto said looking at where Kakashi had been ripped apart by the chains.

"Logged"Nyuu shouted.They stared at her fora second then Kakashi tied the ninja to a tree.

"Why did ninja attack us?"Sakura asked.

"Tazuna, you lied to the Leaf Village about this being a C rank mission,didn't you?"Kakashi said.

"I didn't have enough money"Tazuna said.

"Maybe you'd have enough money if you quit drinking"Nyuu growled.

"sasuke,Nyuu,and Sakura good job and Naruto I didn't expect you to freeze up like that"Kakashi said."Also, those blades were poisened so if we don't get it out of your system you'll die"Kakashi added.Naruto gave a short speech then stabbed himself in the hand while Nyuu was poking Sasuke."Well Naruto that was brave and stupid but now you're going to die from bloodloss"Kakashi said.Naruto started freaking out and Nyuu hit him in the head.

"Calm down,Naruto"Nyuu said grabbing his hand and bandaging it. Sasuke glared at Naruto.

"So are you still going to protect me?"Tazuna asked.

"Yeah sure.If you're attacked by a squirel"Nyuu said and the rest of them sweatdropped.

"As of now this is an A rank mission"Kakashi said.

"Well if you guys turn back I'm still gonna help the old man.It's what a ninja does"Nyuu said.

"Fine we'll get him back to the Land of Waves"Kakashi sighed."But next time the person after him will probably send a jonin,like me,next time"Kakashi said.They stared walking again and Tazuna explained the whole Gato thing.They found a guy to take them across the river.The boat didn't have enough room for all of them so someone was going to have to sit in someone's lap.Sasuke pulled Nyuu to sit in his lap.

"Sasuke!!"Nyuu said sounding shocked.

"I didn't want to have to deal with Sakura"Sasuke said.

"Ok but since I'm helping you. . . I get to poke you"Nyuu said.

". . .Fine"Sasuke growled.Nyuu grinned and poked his forehead."Why do you like to annoy me?"Sasuke asked.

"Cause it's funny when you're mad"Nyuu said.

"That explains alot"Sasuke said.

"You ever read a bingo book?"Nyuu asked.

"No,why?"ha replied sounding bored.

"Cause there's a guy in one who kinda looks like you"Nyuu said pulling out a Leaf Village bingo book."Aw, I can't find it"Nyuu said while pouting after flipping through the book."Well if I find it later I'll show you"Nyuu said.

"Whatever"he said.Nyuu poked his forehead again.The boat finally stopped and everyone got off.The rower quickly left.They started walking and Naruto was throwing kunais at everything saying it was an enemy.He almost hit a bunny with a kunai and Nyuu picked up the bunny.

"Poor little guy.Hey you remember me right?"Nyuu asked.

"Nyuu,what are you talking about?"Naruto asked.Nyuu set the bunny down and it ran off.

"Duck"she said and a sword flew over their heads.

"Your hair's long,Nyuu.That's a surprise"Zabuza said.

"Hey Zabuza-Sensei!!Long time no see"Nyuu said.

"How about I test you to see how strong you've become?"Zabuza said and Nyuu grinned.She pulled out a scroll and a sword appeared with a puf of smoke.

Nyuu unsheathed the sword and said,"This is gonna be fun."

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