Chapter 8

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Third POV

"Nyuu, how do you know him?"Sakura asked.

"He's my old sensei"Nyuu replied calmly.

"What?"Sakura and Naruto shouted.

"Is he the reason you're in the Mist Village bingo book?"Sasuke asked.

"You actually pay attention to the random shi-stuff I say?...I just assumed you ignored me most of the time"Nyuu and Sasuke shrugged.

"Nyuu, I'm surprised you're technically a ninja now"Zabuza said.

"I'm an awesome ninja ,for your information"Nyuu said grinning at him.

"I'm here to kill the bridge builder"Zabuza said.

"I can't let you do that.We've got to protect him...even though he is a dumb drunk"Nyuu said.

"Well for now I might as well make sure you don't attack"Zabuza muttered. Zabuza pulled something out of his pocket and threww it at Nyuu's feet.It coiled around Nyuu's ankle.

"A...snake?"Kakashi said.

"Nyuu is terrified of snakes.It's almost sad that she's still afraid of them"Zabuza said.

" okay?"Naruto asked.

"Yeah"Nyuu was able to choke out. What the hell do you think?Clearly, I'm not okay,just get this damn thing off me.Get it off,Nyuu ranted/whinnied in her mind.Naruto clearly bought her lie and grinned. Oh right,I forgot Naruto's mentally challenged, Nyuu thought.

"If your so afraid why can't you get the snake off your ankle yourself"Sasuke muttered. Nyuu shot him a glare,though it was obvious that the thought of even looking at a snake scared her.

Zabuza almost smiled behind the bandages,"You haven't changed one bit,Nyuu."That earned him a glare from Nyuu and Zabuza rolled his eyes.Zabuza created a thick mist so they could barely see in front of themselves.

"What the-?"Naruto said.

Time Skip (A/N:Nyuu does nothing in the fight except worrying about the snake and being paralyzed with fear.)

After,Kakashi collapsed Sasuke walked over to Nyuu and unwrapped the snake from around her ankle."Scaredy Cat"Sasuke said.

" thanks"Nyuu said.

"Don't mention it...wait quit poking me"Sasuke said.

"Fine"Nyuu sighed.She sealed away her sword and smiled at where Haku had been with Zabuza."I get the feeling we'll be seeing them again soon"Nyuu whispered to herself. Sasuke eyed her suspiciously and she smiled at him.

"Why are you afraid of snakes?"Sasuke asked as they started walking to Tazuna's place.Tazuna and Naruto were carrying Kakashi.

"Um...well they're creepy. Plus,there's some other reason but I can't remember it that well"Nyuu said.

"What do you mean?"Sasuke asked.

"I've been afraid of snakes for as long as I can remember"Nyuu said."I know it's stupid but still I'm just weird like that"Nyuu said.

"Whatever, Scaredy Cat"Sasuke said.

"How long are you going to call me that,Duck-Butt?"Nyuu asked.

"Don't call me that,idiot"Sasuke growled.

"Then,don't call me a scaredy cat"Nyuu said.

"Fine"Sasuke sighed.

"Okay then, Sasugay"Nyuu said 'borrowing' his signature smirk.

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