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"Aaaand that's a wrap, everyone!" the director shouted.
"YAYYY THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND," you shouted from off the set. You ran up to Helena to give her a hug. She smiled, embracing you tightly.
"You're so cute and supportive," she whispered, playing with your hair. She kissed your lips softly, and you smiled into the kiss. A bunch of people came by to congratulate her once you broke apart. She thanked them, and you walked back to her trailer with her.
"I'm just so proud," you tell her, watching her as someone comes in to take off her stage makeup.
"I'm proud of you too! You're going places, I know it," she said. You blushed, wanting to kiss her again but also not wanting to scare off the makeup artist. Once they left, she went over to sit on the couch with you.
"Excited for your first wrap party tonight?" she asked, placing a hand on your knee that made you feel lightheaded.
"Yeah I am. I've never been to one before".
"It'll be fun, I promise".
"You'll be there of course it will be fun," you said, making her smile. She kissed you, her lips warm against yours, making you feel all tingly.

A few hours later, you were back at Helena's house, getting ready for the party. You decided to wear a sparkly silver cocktail dress. You absolutely loved it, hoping it would give you confidence for tonight. You were in the guest room, as Helena kicked you out because she wanted to surprise you. Once you finished getting ready, taking the time to do your makeup and twist your hair up in some fancy bun style you saw on YouTube, you sat on the bed to wait for her. A few moments later, she walked into the room, posing against the doorframe. You feel your mouth hanging open. She looks perfect, of course. She's wearing a tight black dress, and her hair is curled, loosely falling against her shoulders. She laughs at your expression, and walks over to you to close your mouth for you.
"You're going to have to say something eventually, love," she teases, her voice hot as ever.
"What? Oh um...daddy". This sends her collapsing in laughter as she sits on the bed with you.
"You look beautiful. This dress looks lovely on you," she said, stroking your cheek gently until she got to your lips.
"I think I'll be starring at you all night," you told her. She leaned down to kiss you, but you broke apart after a moment.
"You're gonna ruin my makeup," you protest.
"And your complaining?" she asked, her eyes sparkling.
"Nope," you said quickly and leaned in to kiss her again.

"This place is nice!" you exclaimed. You had gotten to the place where the party was being held, which evidently was a really nice catering hall.
"Yeah it is," she said, stepping out of the limo to stand next to you, "let's just hope they have karaoke".
"You're joking?" you ask, laughing.
"Course not, love," she said smiling. You smile back and walk in together, and sure enough, there is a karaoke machine. Walking inside, you also see a bar, flashing lights, a stage with a DJ, and a huge buffet table. Someone immediately comes up to you asking if you want champagne, which you accept, as does Helena.
"I'll be right back," she tells you, and you walk over to the bar to wait for her. When she's away, the makeup artist from your movie comes over to you, and you lapse into a casual conversation. A few minutes later, your girlfriend comes back.
"Where were you?" you asked her. Sure, you could totally function without her, but why would you want to?
"Well, I want to introduce you to someone," she says, gesturing to the tall woman next to her, "y/n, this is my friend and she's making a movie I think you'll be perfect in".
"Nice to meet you," you said, shaking the hand of the tall woman.
"You too! Helena tells me you're from New York, and that's just where the main character is from in my film. I hope you'll audition!" she said excitedly.
"Yeah, yeah I'd love to," you tell her, a little nervous.
"Great! See you soon," she said, then walked away.
"Hellie," you said turning to her, "I lo- am very fond of you but you can't just go and get me auditions. You're not my manager," you say, taking a deep breath, hoping she didn't notice what you almost said.
"I know that but still. You've got the talent, my sweet, I'm just opening the doors".
"You sure?" you asked.
"Positive, baby. Now, why don't we get some food?" she asked, her hand on your arm.
"Let's go!"

"How many glasses does that make?" you ask her as she takes another from the waiter passing by.
"I'd say just enough to want to do karaoke," she joked.
"Ok, I'll do it when you," you say in mock annoyance. She grabs your hand and pulls you up onto the stage. At this point in the night, the strobe lights are on and kind of make you feel like you're on drugs. Hellie picks some fun 80s song, which you vibe with. You were a terrible singer, not that you cared since most people were drunk at this point anyway. She was, of course, a great singer. She was smiling the whole time, which made your heart happy. You finished to applause, and Helena laughed, pulling you into a kiss.
"Now that was fun," she said happily, "but I was thinking now we can go home? Maybe have another kind of fun?"
"Yes please," you said, nodding quickly.

Authors note: look at me posting! Next chapter may or may not be more smut. Thoughts?

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