Chapter 19

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I turn around to see Max standing behind me. I haven't met him yet. Well not since the accident but Christina has explained him to me.

How he acts, what he is like, what he looks like. She said that way once I got out and if I ever see him on my own that way I wouldn't be disrespectful or anything. Not like I could anyways to anyone. I was raised Abnegation after all.

"Tris..." He smiles politely and looks at me up and down. Not in a way to check me out but in a way as a parent does when their child just fell and they want to make sure they're okay. Either way it still makes me feel self conscience. My hand tugs at my other arm just so my hands have something to do.

"I'm pleased to see you're out of the infirmary. How do you feel?" He ask with a gentle voice, yet I know theres more to this conversation than just politeness.

I clear my throat so I sound strong and not at the edge of breaking with everythig thats happened. "Good. Thank you... Sir. I say quickly and unsure of what exactly to call him.

He raises an eyebrow. "Tris you know you may call me Max..." His eyes narrow, confused. He must not know about my memory being gone. It's actually nice someone isn't treating me like some kicked puppy. It would be nice to keep it this way.

"Oh of.. of course. Sorry Max." I bite my lip. Hold it together Beatrice, maybe he'll buy it. He nods slightly but then we hear heavy footsteps. We both look to the left and of course its Mr I-don't-know-when-to-stop-with-the-piercings. Eric.

I sigh, here goes my chance for hoping Max not to know. Surprisingly Eric is holding two trays, one in each hand.

He gives me a, or at least tries to, soft smile. I smile slightly in return and soon he's next to me.

"Sorry I took so long. I got you some food, I didn't know if you ate yet Tris." My eyes narrow slightly but then I genuinley smile.

"Actually no I haven't. Thanks." I take the tray with food on it from him. Max looks beyond confused,

"Umm... Am I missing something?" He asks. I bite my lip nervously and look to Eric. "Oh yea. Tris here lost her-" Eric begins but I cut him off. "Sense of direction." I nod. "Hitting my head and all.." I shrug "Its easy to gte lost here." I conclude and look to Eric and pray that he knows where I'm going with this.

For a moment he looks at me, bewildered and confused but then he nod slightly and turns to Max. "Yea... Four hasn't exactly been around for her so I've been helping Tris get back on her feet" He adds an overexagerating smile at the end which I think possibly ruins the whole thing but Max nods and suddenly I'm engulfed by Eric's arms around me. One around my shoulders and the other around my waist.

I hope that I'm not as red as I feel I'm getting. "Anyways, I should get Tris here to sit down. Can't do too much walking in one day can you?" He smirks and then looks down at me and I can tell from the way he looks at me he's giving me a silent message to go with it.

So I do. I nod and wrap my arms around his waist and be careful of not knocking over his or my tray in the process. "Well then. Of course. I'll leave you two to it. Oh and Eric meeting in my office in an hour. Please don't be late and tell the other leaders as well if you see them." Max nods to me with a smile and pats my shoulder softly.

"Of course, Max" Eric nods back and then once Max is gone out of the cafeteria Eric releases me.

The amount of weight off my shoulders makes me feel like I could fly like a bird- woah. Dejavu... I feel like I've heard that before... My hand suddenly goes over the tattoo of three birds over my collarbone. Maybe it has something to do with that...

"Well then." Eric smirks at me "Shall we really go eat?" I bite my lip ad take another glance at the table where all my friends are. I see them laughing and having a good time without me. Maybe it really is better I'm not there. I wouldn't get many of the jokes anyways and I'd probably amke things awkward with everything they'd have to explain to me. I nod slightly.

"Yea.." I turn back to Eric ''Let's."

I've just finished my dinner but Eric is still eating his. I haven't touched my Dauntless cake. It reminds me too much of Four and I really don't need that right now.

Eric finally notices and looks to me and my cake. "Not in the cake mood?" He asks softly which sounds strange coming from a rough looking guy like him. I simply shake my head. Suddenly I hear an outburst of cheers and calls from mostly the table my friends sit at but also a few other tables. All calling one name. "FOUR!!!" They all cheer at him as if he's some king.

"Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no.." I mumble repeatedly. I knew he'd come in here. He even told me. It was only a matter of time.

Eric seems to notice and suddenly he stands up and comes to sit next to me and starts taking his hoodie off, which also makes his shirt rise with it, which makes me look down to his revealled abs. Wow. Finally something he hasn't pierced.

"W-what... w-what are you doing?" I ask softly and nervously as he hands me his hoodie. But my eyes are still where I last saw his abs. Thats the first time I've seen a guy partially shirtless... At least that I can remmeber.

"Eyes up here Prior." He smirks once my eyes meet his and I can tell I'm turning the reddest I've ever been in my life. "Don't wanna be seen by lover boy? Put on my hoodie and act casual." I look nervous for a second but then look to his eyes and saw that he meant well. I nod and quickly put on his hoodie and pulled up the hooded part so it covered my face.

The only thing that showed was my blonde hair but I'm sure he couldn't recognize me just from my hair. It's not like I was the only blonde in the entire faction.

Suddenly I felt Eric's arm around me and I just turned my head slightly to see if Four was even coming our way. And sure enough he is. Even better. We made eye contact. Damn it! I quickly looked away as Four looked unsure if what he truly saw was me.

I bit my lip hard and looked to Eric. I know I have to do something to steer Four of course of thinking its me. "Kiss me." I mumble to Eric. His eyes narrow and he looks to me.

"Four is gonna come over here and give us both crap if he sees its me. So kiss me so he thinks it isn't." I whisper quickly "But what if-" Eric begins to protest but I just roll my eyes and grab his shirt and put my lips in a tight hard line then press them to his.

I'm not gonna full on kiss Eric. Just pressing my lips to his. Hard.... Eric groans softly and then puts his arms around my waist and I can feel him relax around me. I didn't even know he was tense.

I can also feel his lips trying to kiss my unparticipating ones. I don't know when. I don't know how. I don't know why. But soon enough.

I do find my lips loosening and kissing him back.


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