Chapter 22

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Four takes a deep breath then begins. "We were nearing the hancock building.."

Four's P.O.V:

"Oh c'mon Four!!" She groans and pulls on my sleeves as she whines and her golden hair blows in the wind. God is she never not drop dead beautiful? "NOOOO" I reply with a smirk and put my arm around her to shield her from the cold. "We gotta get back to the apartment. I have work to do and I'm not leaving you with these idiots." I tease and look around at our friends.

Our usual group. The Pedrads, their girls, Lynn and Christina and Will. We all went to the old fair ground to play a round of capture the flag with some other old friends. The snow was falling and some of the girls were only out with crop tops. Idiots. Tris has been begging for me to let her go ziplinning, and for even me to go with her. She thinks it's some type of good idea for me to over come my fear or something. I think she's just trying to get me to wet myself.

"Not happening. You know how dangerous that is at this time? The gears are probably all frozen over and nothing will work. Christ the wire will probably snap and-" I get cut off by the eldest Pedrad, "But that's what being Dauntless is man! Living in the now and going against all odds and-"I return the favour to him and cut him off "Getting yourselves killed in the process? No you idiot that's not what Dauntless is, nor is it letting your girlfriends kill themselves just because they're being whiny brats." I smirk teasing Tris. I love that pouty face she gets when I do it. And as if on cue she does it and crosses her arms like a toddler. "Mean!" She shouts over the winds but I can see the smirk she's failing miserably at hiding.

I quickly grab her wrist as she tries to walk away and twirl her into my arms. Thank god I made her wear my sweater and jacket, it's freezing out here. She ends up laughing and I kiss her once to hush her and we get a bunch of 'awwwess' from the girls and cheering from the guys who say some dirty remarks under their breath which in turn gets their girls to give them a whack in the gutt. By the time Tris and I pull apart with her arms still around my neck and grinning, the boys are in the snow, groaning and holding their gutt.

"I love you" I whisper just loud enough for only her to hear me and smile as I push a strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes twinkle as she responds softly "I love you too, Tobias." I grin and give her one last kiss then keep her close. "If you guys want to get your selves killed go ahead but I warned you. Tris you're coming with me." Everyone groans and pouts as everyone yells my name.

I roll my eyes and I'm about to turn around but suddenly Eric and his lost puppy Peter walk up. I huff and pull Tris closer as all our friends begin to surround us on our side while after a second, Peter's little followers along with Eric's follow, meaning they out number us. "Well, well, well..." Eric smirks and checks out all of the girls. "What do we have here?" He muses. Uri steps up and claps his hands together as he says "Perhaps a bunch of top ranks who will kick your pierced little-" "Uriah!" Marelene interrupts and pulls him back to her where he protectively wraps his arms around her and smirks proudly.

"Ha! Is that what you all think? How adorable. The stiffs and the idiot dauntless borns." He crosses his tattooed arms over his chest. "Sadly I can't do anything to all of you since Max wants to talk to number boy." His eyes meet mine and I stare him down as always. Of course he's first to look away "The head honcho wants you." He declares. I swear mentally then nod. "Tris and I will be on our way then." I turn to go but Eric clears his throat to stop us. I huff and turn back around, the snow slipping down my neck makes me shiver but I try my best to hide it. "What?" I growl out in between gritted teeth.

"He wants to see you now, and alone, meaning your stiff girlfriend can't come." He smirks. I look down then back up at Eric and give him a lethal glare. Sometimes I really wished looks could kill. "Fine." I mutter as Eric smirks and heads back to the truck in which he drove here in with Peter, the rest of them clear out. I sigh and turn to Tris. "Please... Please don't go. Get one of the guys or someone to head back home with you. Whatever you do, don't do it." I hold her shoulders as I talk and make sure to look her in the eyes. I can't loose her. If something were to happen... I'd never forgive myself. Plus I still need to show her the ring I got last week. I finally have my speech together. In dauntless it isn't really mandatory at all to get married... But I know neither Tris or I are only dauntless, we're also abnegation and I want to be traditional. Maybe even a little romantic, just for her.

She rolls her stormy grey eyes of her's and then takes my face in her hands then lays one on me. I can't help smiling and wrapping my big arms around her small figure. Why can't it just always be like this?" She pulls away and searches my wide eyes. "Four. I'll be fine. Trust me. I'll be safe." She kisses my cheek softly then whispers "I love you." I smile and whisper back '"I love you too, I'll see you soon." I kiss her head quickly then run to the truck and climb into the back.

I watch out the window as the view of my Tris gets smaller and smaller. I sigh and pull the small ring box out of my pocket and open it. Inside is a small silver ring with a pretty decent size, but what I really hope she'll like is on the inside is an engraving.

I go back to Dauntless and in the end it's just Max giving me more papers again to look over to see if I want to become leader, each set he's given me I've dumped them in the garbage. I'm walking back to my apartment smiling like crazy, I'm gonna do it tonight, I'm gonna ask her. I-

Suddenly I hear my phone going off. I quickly pull it out of my pocket and see its Zeke. I swear if that boy is drunk calling me I'm gonna be mad. "Ezekiel Pedrad if you-" I start but he interrupts me. "Dude! Shut up and get your butt down to the E.R." My eyes are wide. No... "Why...?" I croak out in a voice that belongs to someone I don't know. "It's Tris." Is all he gets out before I hang up and sprint faster than I ever have in my life.

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