Chapter 14

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Hey Dauntless cakes! Finally I have updatted! It took a while and I'm sorry! Anyways heres chapter 14! 

After a few more hours of going back and forth with training and making long eye contact with Four he pulls me back from the punching bag that I went to again. “Tris. Time to go. C'mon”

“Where are we going?” I ask.

He smiles. “Well since we missed dinner from how long we were in here for, I'm gonna bring you back home and let you get settled and comfortable while I go pick up take out.”

I smile and nod. “Okay”

He nods and wraps an arm around me as we're walking out. I pull away quickly and bite my lip.

“What is it?” He asks with a slight nervous voice. He must of think he did something wrong. “I'm literally sweating like a pig. You don’t wanna get near me.” He laughs. I narrow my eyes. “What is it?” I ask confused. “You do not realize how ironic this is. Usually it’s the other way around” He smiles and pulls me back towards him.

 We walk back up to his place. Or at least that’s what he said. I have no idea where I'm going. You'd think I'd start remembering something by now, but no. I hate this. I hate being totally lost at everywhere I go.

We get up to a door and he stops me. “Here we are.” He smiles slightly biting his lip. Nervous I guess. Oh god but when he bites his lip he- Wait! No! Stop it! Focus! I cant be just focusing on him and how good he looks. I have to ask questions now that we're alone. I have to know what happened to me. How could no one of told me this yet. Like I know it doesn’t come up in ordinary conversation like someone walking in and says oh hey good morning. Wanna know how you almost died? Like I get that but STILL! He unlocks the door with his key and leads me in.

Once we get inside he shuts the door behind me then goes and puts his keys on the table. I stand there awkwardly not knowing what to do. I know I shouldn’t because I've apparently spent the last 5 years in here with Four but I cant help but not feel comfortable. I mean the last thing I remember is being a 16 year old Abnegation girl and now I'm a 21 year old Dauntless? What is this?!

Four looks over to me noticing I don’t feel comfortable. He looks back down and chuckles slightly. “You're acting just like you did first time you were here.” He gives an encouraging smile and walks back over to me and takes my hand. He leads me further into the room.

“Okay so over there” He points to a small room “is the bathroom and the kitchen is right over there” He points to the other side of the room “The fridge is full and so are the cabinets. Make yourself feel at home…. Because in all honesty. It is your home. And it wouldn’t feel like home to me any more without you here” He smiles just slightly.

DAMN IT! HE MAKES IT SO HARD TO FOCUS! I sit down on the bed trying to feel comfortable. It’s so soft. I love it already. I smile slightly and nod.

He sits down beside me and looks down at his shoes.

“Four…” I say quietly. He for some reason tenses when I say his name. He does it every time I do. Its like it hurts him or something. But I cant tell. He hides things so well.

His eyes meet mine. “Yes?” He gives a small smile and searches my eyes. I do the same to his.

What do I ask? Do I ask about the accident and probably ruin what might be the moment that he could kiss me? Cause I mean seriously we're on his damn bed, what else is gonna happen?

Or do I throw caution and all my worries to the air and ask about him. Ask why he doesn’t like it when I call him Four.

Or do I just try to act like the Dauntless I should be and woman up. Just throw my arms around him and kiss him. God I bet that would feel perfect. It did the first time he kissed me. He keeps searching my eyes.

“Tris..?” He asks. Damn I haven’t answered.

“Okay…. Here it goes..” I bite my lip and look deep into his eyes.

Hey guys! How was that chapter!? I need everyone to vote down below! What do you want Tris to do?

A)  Ask about the accident

B) Ask about his name


Answer below guys!!! But no matter what you pick each one will happen just later on in the story


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