Chapter 21

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I let Uri begin talking as I tried to listen over the rushing and crashing water just below us. "Tris, look everyone loves you and Four together. You guys click. You guys work. I swear, I've never seen any other couple be able to go through everything you guys have gone through and still be together after these years. Even in initiation, you guys clicked. I know you don't remember but you and Four sometimes used to tell us when you two were in a sappy mood. Especially Four, he loves showing off about how he charmed you but then you would always shut him down by reminding him of some memory having to do with capture the flag. You guys would never tell us but - WAIT! This isn't what I was supposed to be talking about. I need to-"

But just like that Uri got tuned out and I had a flash of a dream? A memory? I don't know. I feel wind, cold and harsh. I don't exactly feel it but I sense it. And rungs, rusty metal rungs. Climbing... Something glowing in the distance. And a feeling, a touch on my skin, just under the hem of my shirt. Rough but strong hands holding me in place. Then my heart racing. Then a change of scene. Not by much, moving lights behind us... A Ferris Wheel? And... On the ground sitting. Right next to... someone strong. Tall... Laughing. Four. We're together... And... then.. what. What happens? I can't make out the next images. Flying? The city skyline... And just like that everything goes black.

Then all I hear are voices.

"What were you thinking you idiot?!" Someone... a male voice. Probably getting mad at Uri, he's usually called among the names of stupid and idiot and so on.

"I didn't mean to! I just thought... I'm sorry okay?!"

"One day she's out! One day! And now she's already almost gotten back to the hospital!" Oh yea. Great... Four. I mentally groan.

"Four take it easy. The doctor said she's fine. We just gotta be careful what we say. It can trigure whatever happened. Basically don't do anything Uri would do." Another male's voice.... Zeke?

"HEY!" Then I hear a slap. "OW! I'M TELLING MOM!" Yea that's Uri alright.

There's a loud banging in the distance, a door maybe. "Where is she?!" A deeper voice, I just hardly recognize it.

"You're not welcome here. Get out." Four's intimidating voice booms and then I hear a door slam.

"Where the hell is my best friend!?" I hear banging again but not as hard this time. The voice, a girl's, is muffled by the door. Suddenly I hear the door slam against the wall as it opens. "PEDRAD NUMBER TWO YOU ARE DEAD IF YOU KILLED BY BEST FRIEND!" And that will be Christina.

I sigh, why is everyone getting so worked up about me? What even happened to me? Wait why haven't I open my eyes yet? Oh right, it's cause this is entertaining to hear even though I hate the attention. Maybe if they think I'm not awake they'll mention something about the accident.

I keep trying to listen for minutes on but all I hear is concerns about me, of course i'm thankful they still all care so much but... I need to hear what happened to me. I have to. Soon enough though everyone has moved into what I guess is another room or farther away from me, I can still hear them but slightly muffled. I decide to try and sneak a peek.

Slowly I open one eye, no. Please no. I'm back in our apart- I mean... Four's apartment. IN HIS BED! I huff silently and look around, everyone is sitting down by the couch or chairs pulled up to face the couch. I open both eyes to get a better look since mostly everyone's backs are to me... Mostly. Of course Four looks up and notices I'm awake. I bite my lip and with my eyes silently plead for him not to say anything. He gives a quick slight nod to me and gestures with his eyes for me to shut my eyes again and so I do.

"Alright you guys. It's late, I'll keep you guys posted if anything happens. Everyone has work tomorrow, you guys should get some sleep." Four says with his instructor voice that I remember he would tell me about when I was in the hospital. It seems like eons ago. Slowly, one by one everyone clears out and says goodnight. Once the last person is gone and the door is shut and locked I can hear Four sigh. "You can open now..." 

Slowly I sit up and open my eyes. "I'm sorry," I mumble as I look down. Four strolls over to the bed and sits on the edge, leaning on his hand to support his weight as he leans slightly so he's closer to me. "Sorry for what exactly Tris?" He asks sarcastically, but I can tell he's also pained. "Sorry for kissing the one person in this entire place we hate the most? Sorry for running off and not letting me explain? Sorry for trusting that- that- that monster with piercings with yourself when you know damn well how much I care about you?! Do you even know how crazy I went looking for you?!" He blows.

I look down, I deserve this. I softly mumble out "He said he would tell me... he said he would tell me about it." Four narrows his eyes and calmly puts his hand over mine as he whispers to me "Tell you what Tris?" I pull my eyes to look down at my free hand. "Tell me about the accident..." I mumble again as I bring my eyes to meet Four's. He looks beyond pained, beyond misery. I don't know if there's a word for his level of ache in his eyes.

"Tris I was going to tell you." He whispers to me as we keep holding eye contact. I pull my hands away and stand up and start pacing in front of him. "I know that!" I groan and put my face in my hands as I keep walking back and forth. "But... Four... When you said it was your fault... You don't get what that did to me. I trusted you. I still do." I mumble. "You were the closest person I was to. And for you to say you almost got me killed... Well in the end it did end up killing me."

I wipe away at my glassy eyes. "I hate myself for being this emotional damn it!" I huff and next thing I know Four is pulling me into his lap, in which he has crossed his legs so its almost like a cradle for me once he wraps his big arms around me. "You never let me explain." He whispers into my ear, so close I can feel his warm breath which sends shivers down my back. He kisses my cheek once, slowly and softly. "I love you Tris..." He continues to whisper. "But you've got to hear the whole story if you ever want to find out the end of it..." He intertwines our fingers then squeezes my hand reasuringly. "Tell me the story." I whisper

And thats the end of that chapter you guys! Comment below what you thought and what you want/ not want to happen!

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