Chapter 13

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Here it is! Next chapter! Enjoy Dauntless cakes! ;) :D

Soon enough Four stops us all as we're walking to the pit.

“You guys go on ahead.” He says to everyone else but me.

He looks down to me. “Wanna take a walk?” I nod and smile.

The group nods and smirks at us and they leave.

Four turns me around so we walk away from everyone and we just start walking. “So you're finally free.” He smiles at me.

“Yea… I guess I am…” I smile back.

He sighs. “Um Tris?”


“You and I used to live together… And you don’t have a place of your own so I was wandering what you were going to do tonight…” He bites his lip.

I look down. “Oh…” I say in a voice that doesn’t belong to me.

“Listen I want you to come home, but not if you're still uncomfortable.” He says it in a shy voice.

I smile. “The fact that you were so worried about just where I was gonna stay means a lot Four.” I kiss his cheek.

He blushes slightly and looks down.

“If its alright with you I would love to come home.”

His head raises quicker then I've ever seen and he grins. “Really?!”

I nod. His grin only becomes bigger and he lifts me up and twirls me. I laugh and he puts me down and hugs me. “I've missed you so much at home.” He whispers in my ear, which makes me gets goose bumps.

The sensations I get around him are truly incredible. “Okay so Miss freedom.” He smirks. “What do you wanna do first?”

I smile and think. “How about the training room?” I ask.

He smirks at me. “You honestly haven’t changed.” He says while watching my eyes.

I almost think he's going to kiss me but right as I'm going to lean in he turns. “Lets go then” He smiles. I nod and follow him there. He smiles at me when we walk in.

I have a dejavu  (I KNOW I SPELLED THAT WRONG)  about this place but I guess its because I have been here before. Many times probably.

I walk over to the punching bags. “Umm… Could you help me? I have no idea what I'm doing and I feel like I have absolutely no muscle” Even though my arms show more muscle on them then I remember.

He nods “Of course.” He goes infront of another punching bag and begins showing me how to hit, then I try.

I feel like I'm doing terribly. I can feel his eyes watching my every move.

I look over my shoulder at him and he has his arms crossed over his chest inspecting me as if he can see every bone in my body and how it moves.

He nods and comes closer to me. “At the beginning of initiation you had no muscle. You were weak and thus meaning you had no chance in winning in a fight. What I told you to do was use your elbows and your knees and get your first punch in. You're small so you're quick. If you get a first punch in before they even see it coming you have a chance at winning.”

I nod and do as he says. I start hitting the bag with my knees and elbows and it actually starts moving this time unlike before when I couldn’t move it an inch. I feel the hem of my shirt coming up slightly but I don’t bother pulling it down. Its not much plus I'm too busy smiling slightly at my accomplishment. Its small but its something.

I feel Four come closer to me. He puts his hand around my stomach firmly. Not in the way to mean anything. He whispers. “You gotta remember to keep tension here. You always forgot that in initiation”

I bite my lip to try not to smile from the butterflies I'm getting in the exact spot his hand is. I have to take this seriously right now. No fooling around.

I nod slightly and realize his hand still hasn’t moved from my stomach. We look deep into each other's eyes and don’t move an inch.

Suddenly his hand goes up by my face. This is it. He's going to kiss me. I get ready and purse my lips microscopically but then.

UGH. I'm an idiot.

He takes a strand of my hair that was in my face and moves it behind my ear. “You gotta learn how to tie up your hair better. When in a fight if your hair comes down infront of your eyes it could mean the loss of the match.” He pulls his hand away from my stomach and walks away a few steps to inspect me again.

I nod and look down slightly disappointed then I get back to punching and kneeing the bag. He smiles slightly. I try to return it but it doesn’t come.

Why am I getting all worked up over a stupid kiss? It's idiotic. Its so….. so…. STUPID!

I sigh and finally notice it’s been an hour and a half.

I see knives across the room so I walk over to them without bothering to check if Four is following me.

I pick up a few and throw them and surprisingly I get them dead on the target. DAMN I was good! Or I guess I still am good…

This is so different from Abnegation… I feel like I can actually belong here.

He walks up to me and smiles. “You were a natural at aim. Especially for knives.”

I look to him confused “What else could I be a good aim at?”

I see his eyes look down to my lips and he smirks as if hes thinking of something or having a memory.

I don’t get it. “Guns” he finally says. “Guns that’s what I meant” he smirks.

I nod but don’t believe him. I don’t think guns is what he was talking about…

Can you guys guess what type aim Four was talking about ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) *smirks*

I literally just wrote this chapter guys so the next one will hoepfully come soon! OMG IM LEAVING IN A FEW DAYS! EPPPPP

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