7 - The Crocodile

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Mr Gold and Belle were in Mr Gold's pawnshop, he took out a small box, opened it and revealed a necklace.

"It's, uh... It's very beautiful. So, what's the occasion?" Belle asked as she turned around.

Mr Gold took out the necklace and began to put it around her necklace, "The occasion is us. We haven't really gotten out much since Storybrooke awakened. So, I thought we should see it together," He finished clasping the necklace and she turned back around to him, "Wow..." Mr Gold said.

Belle smiled, "Thank you," Belle said and they hugged.

"Don't get your hopes up. The nightlife is extremely limited," Mr Gold said as they pulled apart.

"No. That's not what I meant. Thank you for... For what you're going. For how you're changing," Belle said.

Leroy walked in angrily, "Okay, Stiltskin, I want my axe," Leroy said.

"I'm sorry, but we're closed," Mr Gold said.

"It's mine. Give it to me," Leroy said.

"And yet, still closed," Mr Gold said.

"Just 'cause you possess something, don't mean it's yours. Nothing in this shop belongs to you," Leroy looked at Belle, "And you? How can you be with such a monster? Or maybe, you're just another possession, too," Leroy said.

"How dare you?" Mr Gold grabbed Leroy by the neck and pinned him against the wall, "You want your axe? Fine!" Mr Gold said as he began to strangle Leroy.

"Rumpelstiltskin!" Belle called out.

"You can have it... Buried in your chest!" Mr Gold told Leroy.

"Stop! Stop! This isn't you anymore!" Belle said.

Mr Gold turned to look at her as he turned into Rumpelstiltskin, "Oh, it's me, dearie. Always has been, always will be," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Belle woke up from her nightmare and found herself in one of Mr Gold's room. She got out of bed and walked downstairs, discovering it was still nighttime. Belle walked outside and she lurked around one of the basement windows looking side to see Amy and Mr Gold.

Inside the basement, Mr Gold was spinning straw into gold at the wheel as Amy was mixing a potion. Mr Gold cut off a segment of the gold, he held it out to Amy. She took it and put it into a vial, Mr Gold walked over and they watched the magical reaction happen in the vial. They both smiled and hugged each other.


A human Rumpelstiltskin arrived home with a basket of wool.

"Milah? Bae? I'm home... Hey..." Rumpelstiltskin said as he saw Baelfire holding Delphinia as she slept in his arms, "Her papa out?"

"I...In a way... Papa..." Baelfire said.

"Where's mum?" Baelfire looked at Delphinia, rocking her gently, "Well, she probably just... Lost track of time... And Delphinia's papa??" Baelfire didn't answer, "Put Delphinia in the bassinet, grab your cloak, we'll find them," Rumpelstiltskin said.

 And Delphinia's papa??" Baelfire didn't answer, "Put Delphinia in the bassinet, grab your cloak, we'll find them," Rumpelstiltskin said

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