30 - The Queen is Dead

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New York...

Amy, Emma, Henry, Mr Gold, Alana and Neal were walking back to Neal's apartment. 

Amy was looking at the pendant and Emma looked at her, "What's that?" Emma asked.

Amy was looking at the pendant and Emma looked at her, "What's that?" Emma asked

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"Something I gave to the first person who ever saw the good in me... They died years ago," Amy said.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Emma said.

"It's okay," Amy said with a smile. 

Henry walked beside Mr Gold, behind Amy and Emma, "So, should I call you grandpa, now?" Henry asked.

"Call me whatever you'd like," Mr Gold said.

Neal and Alana trailed behind them, "He's a good kid," Neal said.

"Yep," Alana said.

"Hey," He took hold of her arm and they stopped walking, "I'm trying my best here," Neal said.

"I know. We all are. It's just, we're going to have to go back. To our home," Alana said.

"I'm just getting to know him," Neal said.

"Then maybe... Maybe you should come with us," Alana said.

"To Storybrooke?" Neal said.

"I've seen your apartment. You don't have a lot going on here," Alana said.

"Looks can be deceiving," Neal said.

"Mhm, yeah definitely," Alana said.

"Listen... There's something I've been meaning to tell you," Neal said.

"Okay... What is it?" Alana asked.

"It's complicated," Neal said.

"Well that hasn't changed about you," Alana said, Neal smiled and shook his head slightly.

Henry walked to them, "So, Neal, do you think we can take the subway?" Henry asked.

"Yeah. Sure, of course. Let's go get that camera," Neal said.

They all arrived at the apartment building and entered the lobby.

"Come on," Henry said.

"Here. I got it," Neal unlocked the door, he and Henry headed for the apartment, while Emma, Amy, Alana and Mr Gold stayed behind, "So after this, maybe Times Square?" Neal suggested as they walked up the stairs.

Mr Gold looked at Alana, "So, uh, did you talk to him?" Mr Gold asked.

"He said it's complicated," Alana said.

"Oh, I see," Mr Gold said.

"That much hasn't changed with him," Emma said.

"Well, maybe he just needs some time, papa," Amy said.

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