25 - Tiny

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At noon, Mr Gold knocked on the Charming's loft door and Emma answered.

"Ready to go, Miss Swan's?" Mr Gold asked.

"Almost!" Alana called out.

Mr Gold and Amy walked in and saw Henry entering the room with a suitcase and his coat, "Do you think we'll be cold where we're going, or warm?" Henry asked Alana.

"I think layers are always a good idea," Alana said.

"I thought the terms of our agreement were quite clear. You two or me a favour, you two alone," Mr Gold said.

Alana looked at him, "I'm not leaving Henry here with Cora lurking about, so either the three of us go, or the three of us stay," Alana said.

"Then, we'll have to purchase another plane ticket, won't we?" Mr Gold said and glanced at Amy.

"I'm sorting it," Amy said as she took out her phone.

Mary Margaret walked over to Henry and helped him with his coat, "Wait. We're flying?" Alana questioned.

"Don't worry, I'm covering expenses. Even the new ones," Mr Gold said as he glanced at Henry.

David overheard and walked down the door, "You're a real gentleman, aren't you?" He stood in front of Mr Gold, "Alright, Gold, you're going out there with my family. Just know, if anything happens to them..." David said.

"Then you'll what? Cross the town line? And David Nolan will hunt me down in his animal rescue van?" Mr Gold said.

"Papa!" Amy said.

"I'll be devasted. This isn't a threat. It's a request. Take care of them," David said.

"I promise no harm will come to your family. After all, we have a deal," Mr Gold said.

Mr Gold had his shawl around his neck and he was driving down the road, Emma was in the front with him, Amy behind him in back with Henry and Alana

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Mr Gold had his shawl around his neck and he was driving down the road, Emma was in the front with him, Amy behind him in back with Henry and Alana. Mr Gold was driving them down a desert road in his car.

"So... Where are we going?" Henry asked.

"Logan International Airport," Mr Gold said.

"I think he meant after that," Alana said.

"Let's just take things one step at a time, shall we?" Mr Gold said.

"You two really think that shawl and necklace are gonna work?" Alana asked.

"Well, if they don't, and he reverts to his cursed self and I become mine, we're all gonna have some problems," Amy said.

"It'll work," Mr Gold said.

They pass the Leaving Storybrooke sign and a wave of magic pulsed through Mr Gold and Amy, the twin and henry looked between them as neither of them spoke when the pulsing stop.

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