37 - Lacey

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At the pawnshop, Henry was surrounded by Alana, Neal, Emma, Mary Margaret, David, Amy and Mr Gold. Henry blew out eleven candles on a cake and they cheered, clapping their hands.

Mr Gold leaned towards Henry, "And now, my boy, for your present. Pick one object from this shop. Anything you like," Mr Gold said as he gestured around the shop.

Henry walked around the shop a little looking around and pointed to a wand, "That," Henry said as he picked it up and waved it around.

"Alright, careful, buddy! Wands are powerful," Neal said.

"Don't want to accidentally turn someone in a toad," Amy said.

Henry turned to Mr Gold, "So, how does it work?" Henry asked.

"Here. Let me show you," Mr Gold said.

Henry handed the wand to him, Mr Gold waved it through the air for a moment and with a flick of his wrist, he turned Henry into a statue.

"No!" Alana shouted.

"Papa!?" Neal shouted.

"Gold, why would you do that?!" David asked in anger.

"The prophecy. The seer said the boy would be my undoing. So I have no choice. I must be his," Mr Gold said and took his cane, shattering the statue.

Suddenly, Mr Gold woke up with a jolt and looked around to find Amy sat by the bed.

"Good, you're up," Amy said.

"Phinia? Sweetheart? What are you doing here?" Mr Gold asked.

Amy stood up, "We need to talk, now," Amy said and walked to the bedroom door.

"But it's late," Mr Gold said.

"No," Amy looked at him, "It's 7 am, I start work at 8, so get up," Amy said and walked out.

"No," Amy looked at him, "It's 7 am, I start work at 8, so get up," Amy said and walked out

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Mr Gold walked downstairs and entered the kitchen where Amy was making breakfast.

"You gonna tell me what this is about? Or am I gonna have to guess?" Mr Gold asked.

"Do you remember your son?" Amy poured him a cup of tea, "I mean, you did hobble yourself when you found out about his existence, and you carried yourself all the way home just to see him," Amy said.

"Delphinia," Mr Gold said.

"Why haven't you spoken to him since you nearly died? Is he no longer important now he's here? Or will he get in the way of what you really want to do?" Amy said as she placed a plate of pancakes down with his cup of tea.

"And what is it, I really want to do?" Mr Gold asked.

"The boy will be your undoing," Mr Gold looked at her shocked, "Remember papa, I can enter your dreams... Well, I can enter anyone's dreams, you know that you helped me learn it," Amy glared at him, "Did you really think I had forgotten what the seer told you and what you said to Henry. Saying that it was all his fault and that he was the one who brought us to New York?" Amy said.

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