20 - The Cricket Game

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Two knights escorted The Evil Queen to the middle of the courtyard, where a crowd had gathered to watch. The Evil Queen was chained to a pole, she looked at the gathered crowd. Prince Charming and Snow White sat in their thrones, there was a spare chair and Delphinia walked over, she lowered her head in respect to them.

"You lost someone you loved dearly, we hope this could be a start of a great friendship," Prince Charming said as Delphinia had warned them of her fathers' presence in the crowd.

Delphinia looked at him, "Alliance, we shall see if friendship is on the cards, my Prince," Delphinia said.

Delphinia looked at him, "Alliance, we shall see if friendship is on the cards, my Prince," Delphinia said

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"Please, Enchantress, I hope you will join us," Snow White said.

"The honour would be mine, Your Highness," Delphinia said, Snow White gestured to the seat beside her and Delphinia walked over and sat down, she glanced at her father in the ground.

A line of knights armed with bows stood in front of the Evil Queen. Jiminy Cricket flew over to her, "Regina. This is your opportunity to meet your end with a clear conscience. Do you have any last words," Jiminy Cricket said.

"Yes. Yes, I do. I know I'm being judged for my past. A past where I've caused pain, a past where I've inflicted misery, a past where I've... Even brought death. When I look back at every one I've done, I want you all to know what I feel. And that is... Regret," Her voice was soft before she looked up at the crowd coldly, "Regret, that I was not able to cause more pain. Inflict more misery. And being about more death," She looked at Delphinia, "To the Enchantress, I regret not killing your beloved, I should've controlled him and crushed his heart in front of you and watch as you cried for him pathetically," The Evil Queen said.

Delphinia gripped the arms of her chair and a cart of hay exploded when Delphinia's eyes flashed gold, she glanced at Snow White, "Forgive me," She whispered and Snow White placed her hand on hers.

The Evil Queen looked Snow White, "And above all else, with every ounce of my being, I regret that I was not able to kill... Snow White!" The Evil Queen said.

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