36 - Selfish, Brave and True

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August was in his trailer and he was disturbed by someone knocking on the door, he thought it was Amy or Mary Margaret coming back to take him back to town.

"I told you two to leave me alone!" August yelled and he opened the door, shocked to see Tamara standing there.

"Hey. Long time," Tamara said.

Flashback: Hong Kong - 2011

August ran back into the room where he saw the Dragon who was still there, August was panting, hunched over with his hands on his knees.

"For someone who spent his entire life running, you should be in better shape," The Dragon said.

August looked at him, "Well, I will be... if you have what you promised," August said.

"I believe we discussed a price. The money. You have it?" August noticed a picture of Tamara and an older woman, "The body has a strange way of sending us signals, doesn't it? The tricky part isn't hearing them, but knowing what they truly mean," The Dragon said.

"Are you sure this can cure me?" August asked.

"What's in this bottle will stop you from turning to wood, yes. But that's just a symptom. Only you can cure yourself," The Dragon said and the two exchanged the money for the cure which he had already made for him.

 Only you can cure yourself," The Dragon said and the two exchanged the money for the cure which he had already made for him

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August left and unwrapped the vial, just as he was looking at it, Tamara was in the street and saw him.

"Stop! That's mine," Tamara yelled as she pointed to him.

"I'm so sorry," August said and he started to run.

"Hey! Somebody stop him!" Tamara yelled as she followed after him.

"Out of the way! Aah! Aah!" August fell over and groaned holding his knee as Tamara ran up and grabbed the vial, "No!" August said.

"Whatever it is you have, you deserve your fate," Tamara said as she turned and left, leaving August to cry on the floor.

End of Flashback

August and Tamara were inside the trailer, August stood and faced Tamara who was sat down on the couch.

"Not much of a decorator. Then again, I guess a man made of wood doesn't require much," Tamara said.

"You can see me? You believe?" August asked.

"Do you think I would have chased down someone called the Dragon if I didn't?" Tamara asked.

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