34 - Welcome to Storybrooke

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Flashback: Storybrooke - 1983

Amy walked out of the diner and saw Graham waiting for her, by his car and he smiled at her as she approached him.

"No squad car?" Amy asked.

"Not tonight," Graham said.

"Very nice," Amy said.

"Shall we?" Graham asked as he opened the passenger door for her.

"Thank you," Amy said as she got in and he shut the door before he got in the driver's side and drove away from the diner.

"Thank you," Amy said as she got in and he shut the door before he got in the driver's side and drove away from the diner

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Graham and Amy were in Graham's kitchen, as he was stirring their meal he was frying up in a wok.

"I didn't think you could cook," Amy said as she sipped her wine.

"I believe there's a lot about me you don't know," Graham said with a smile.

"Hmm... Shall I try?" Amy asked.

"Go for it," Graham said.

"Okay... You're in the type of relationship where you feel trapped and you can't see a way out. You feel like everything you do is being controlled, even when you're at work and it's your own apartment," Graham looked at her, "You feel like you're alone, with no way and that's why you started drinking, which led you to meeting Ruby and me," Amy looked at him, "But, Gray... You're not alone anymore, you've gone me," Amy said.

"How did you...?" Graham asked.

"How did I do?" Amy said.

"You... You were spot on," Graham said.

"I'm sorry," Amy placed her hand on his arm and they looked at each other, "I wish I was wrong," Amy said.

"I do too..." Graham said.

"Aww, I'm sure everything will get better... You just have to know where to look for it," Amy said.

Graham smiled at her, "Thanks, love," Graham said.

"No problem... So, where did you put the wine bottle you're out, and we both know I'm too much for you to handle," Amy said and winked with a smirk.

"Oh, I'm sure I can handle you, dear," They chuckled, "I'll go get it, are you okay to stir?" He asked.

"I think I handle that at least," Amy said as she took over the stirring.

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