10 - The Doctor

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At Storybrooke General Hospital, Regina was searching for Dr Whale, she entered the psychiatric ward, finding it was deserted.

"Dr Whale? Where are you?" Regina called out.


At the Royal Castle, Jefferson was leading Queen Regina through the halls.

"Where is he, this wizard? You promised to bring him to me," Queen Regina said.

"Indeed. And off we shall go to see him. But I warn you, be cautious," Jefferson said.

"Why? Is he dangerous?" Queen Regina asked.

"Not to us. But, bear in mind, he's never been to a world like this before. He's unfamiliar with our ways, with our magic," Jefferson said.

"All I care about are his ways and if they will do what I require," Queen Regina said.

"Well, there's only one way to find out. May I present to you... Your salvation," Jefferson said as he led her outside, where a man was waiting for them.

"You're the wizard?" Queen Regina asked.

The doctor stood up and turned to her, "I prefer doctor," He removed his glasses.

The doctor stood up and turned to her, "I prefer doctor," He removed his glasses

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"But you're welcome to call me whatever makes you comfortable," The doctor said.

"Very well... Doctor. You understand why you've been brought here?" Queen Regina asked.

"Of course. Now... Show me the patient," The doctor said.

Queen Regina and Jefferson brought the doctor to a room where Daniel's body magically persevered

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Queen Regina and Jefferson brought the doctor to a room where Daniel's body magically persevered.

The doctor examined the body, "It's remarkable. It's as if his last breath was drawn just moments ago," The doctor said.

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