12 - Tallahassee

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Enchanted Forest...

Mulan drew a sundial in the dry dirt with a stick, Aurora, Emma and Mary Margaret watched her.

"What is that?" Aurora asked.

"It keeps the time," Mulan said.

"You have somewhere to be?" Mary Margaret asked.

"We can mark watches, take turns sleeping. We'll most likely have to walk through the night again, so we should rest while we can," Mulan said.

"I'll take first shift," Mary Margaret said.

"I'll stay up with you," Aurora said.

"Okay," Mulan said and walked away.

Emma walked to the beanstalk and she looked up, Mary Margaret watched her then looked at Aurora, "When's the last time you slept?" Mary Margaret asked her.

"I don't really sleep now. Not after what I've been through," Aurora said.

"Sleeping curse," Mary Margaret said and Emma glanced at them.

"The one time I did sleep, I had horrible nightmares," Aurora said.

"It's a side effect," Mary Margaret said.

"Is it?" Emma said and walked up to them.

"Yeah, same thing happened to me," Mary Margaret said.

"Really?" Emma asked.

"It did?" Aurora asked.

"I had them for months. Charming, your dad, my husband, he used to wake me. When I cried out, he'd light a candle. He said it would capture the nightmares. He'd watch over me as I fell back to sleep," Mary Margaret said.

"Sounds like he lives up to his name," Aurora said.

"Yeah. Um... Why don't you try... To sleep? I'll watch over you. You'll be safe," Mary Margaret said.

"Thank you," Aurora said and she sat down, resting her head on Mary Margaret's knee, closing her eyes.

Mary Margaret looked at Emma, "Why don't you try sleeping as well?" Mary Margaret said.

"I can't not until Ana's back," Emma said.

"She will," Mary Margaret said.

"I can't risk it," Emma said.

"Emma, rest, Alana won't want you worrying about her," Mary Margaret said.

"All my life I've worried about her and she's worried about me... We've only had each other," Emma said.

"And now you've got me..." Mary Margaret said.

"... We had someone who cared for us... But they left us, and it hurt... We don't want that again," Emma said and walked away from her.

Alana and Captain Hook reached the top of the beanstalk and they found a giant, destitute looking castle, with skeletons around, an aftermath of a war.

"What happened here?" Alana asked as she walked passed Captain Hook.

"It's where the final battle was. Give me your hand," Captain Hook said.

"What?" Alana asked.

"Your hand, it's cut. Let me help you," Captain Hook said.

"No, no. It's fine," Alana said.

"No, it's not," Captain Hook said as he hooked his hook around her wrist.

She sighed and looked at him, "So, now you're going to be a gentleman?" Captain Hook said as he uncorked the flask with his teeth, spat it out and poured the contents over Alana's bloody hand.

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