39 - Rise of the Enchantress (Originally The Evil Queen Ep)

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Inside the clock-tower, Tamara and Greg were stood on either side of Captain Hook who had a sack over his head.

"Actually, I prefer it with the lights on," Greg removed the sack, "I've spent enough time below deck to not be afraid of the dark, so if this is your idea of torture, well you're just gonna have to try a little harder," Captain Hook said.

"Torture you? No, we just want to offer you a job," Greg said.

"Oh. And then you're gonna let me go?" He laughed, "Oh, I'm sorry, I already did that last job. I killed Rumpelstiltskin. I'm sated. Replete. My life's purpose met," Captain Hook said.

"I wish I could have been there, to see you stab the Dark One," Tamara said with a smirk.

"Well, look who's up to speed," Captain Hook said.

"I'm a quick learner," Tamara said.

"Then you know my work is done!" Captain Hook said.

"Yeah, I don't think so. Take a look," Greg said and he and Tamara pushed the chair that the captain was tied to, towards the window and handed him a telescope.

Captain Hook looked through it and saw Mr Gold walking with Lacey, "No. No!" Captain Hook said.

"He's alive, Hook," Tamara said

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"He's alive, Hook," Tamara said.

"He beat you. Now, this guy has some powerful magic here, mate. He's untouchable. You'll never get another chance to take him down," Greg said.

"Oh, I will. I will indeed," Captain Hook said.

"Not unless we help you," Tamara said.

"How can you help me?" Captain Hook asked.

"We know how to kill magical creatures," Tamara said.

"And the price?" Captain Hook asked.

"I need you to help me find someone. My father. He was taken in this town a long time ago," Greg said.

"Why the bloody hell do you think I'll be able to help you find your father?" Captain Hook asked.

"Because you know the woman who took him... Regina. Do we have a deal?" Greg asked.

Tamara's phone rang and she took it out as Greg and Captain Hook looked at her, "It's Neal," She opened the text, "Amy... She's dead and her body is missing," Tamara said as she looked at Greg.

"Which one is she again? The... The Enchantress!" Greg said.

"She died a few hours ago," Tamara said.

"Delphinia... She's one of the most powerful sorceresses to ever live, she can't just die," Captain Hook said.

"She has, Hook, and The Dark One doesn't seem that hurt that his daughter, adopted or not, is dead and her body is missing... Do we have a deal?" Tamara asked.

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