35 - Selfless, Brave and True

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Flashback: Phuket - 2011

It was October 24th 2011 at 8:15 am in Phuket. August had been asleep beside a woman when he suddenly woke up, with shooting pain in his leg, he sat up and saw that his left leg was beginning to turn into wood.

August turned around to the woman in the bed, "Wake up. Wake up!" August said on Thai as he freaked out.

The woman looked at the clock then reluctantly looked at him, "It's only 8:15, go back to bed..." She said in Thai.

August was pointing to his leg, "Look at this. Right here. Isra, wake up! Help me!" August pleaded in Thai.

Isra sat up slightly, resting on her elbows and looked at it, "August, it's early. I'm sleeping," Isra said in Thai.

August reached out to her with his hand on his knee, "Look, don't you see it?" He asked in Thai.

Isra looked at him properly and she saw nothing wrong with his leg, "I see your leg! Now please, be quiet..." She complained in Thai as she laid back in bed.

"I need to go to a hospital..." August said in Thai.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Isra asked in Thai.

August looked forward as his breathing was heavy, "I'm turning into wood," August said in English.

End of Flashback

At the Charming's loft, David was about to take a breakfast tray over to Mary Margaret when the twins walked downstairs.

"Breakfast in bed? Seriously?" Emma asked.

David turned to them and they walked into the kitchen, "What happened has been really hard on Mary Margaret. The least we can do is make sure she's eating," David said.

"We think it's time to give the hot cocoa and the door massages a rest. It's time to haul her ass out of bed and get her to move past this," Emma said.

"That's a little harsh, don't you think? She took Cora's life," David said.

"Partially responsible, she and Amy took Cora's life, but she's acting like she's all to blame. She's not a child David, she's a mother and a grandmother, as weird as it is, that's who she is and if she can't get her ass out of bed... I can't help someone like that," Alana said.

"That's a little harsh as well," David said.

"Yeah well, sometimes you need hard love to move on from things," Alana said.

Henry walked down the stairs, "Is everything okay?" Henry asked.

"Everything's fine, kid," Alana walked to him and smiled, "Get your coat, we're gonna be late," Alana said.

"Bye, Gramps, Emma," Henry said and left.

"Sure you don't want me to come with you?" Emma asked.

"I can handle five minutes," Alana put on her coat, "Open up the station for me?" Alana asked as she put the Sheriff's badge on.

"Will do," They watched Alana follow Henry out of the door and Emma turned to David, "I know you think that she needs our help. But at the end of the day, she's the only one who can help herself," Emma said and left, grabbing her badge and coat.

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