26 - Tiny

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Alana, Henry, Amy, Emma and Mr Gold arrived at the airport, they picked up their boarding passes from the desk and they entered the security line.

"Have you ever been outside of Storybrooke before, Mr Gold, Amy?" Henry asked.

"No," They answered.

"Are you two nervous?" Henry asked.

"No," They answered.

"Are you worried about meeting your son?" Henry asked.

"Don't have one," Amy said and chuckled, ruffling up his hair.

"No, Henry, I'm fine," Mr Gold said.

"How about we talk about all this later, kid? We're next," Alana said and she and Henry began taking off their shoes to put in the boxes, bags and coats.

"It must be really hard not to use magic, being like everyone else," Henry said.

"You've got to put your shoes in," Emma said to Amy and Mr Gold.

"Oh," Amy said and took hers off.

"Coat and bag as well," Alana told her and she nodded doing as told.

"How terribly uncivilised," Mr Gold said and took off his shoes.

Henry walked through the metal detector, Alana soon followed him and Amy followed them.

Mr Gold was about to follow through but the security officer stopped him, "Uh, scarf and the cane go in the basket," The security officer said.

"What?" Mr Gold said.

"Scarf and cane go in the basket," The security officer repeated.

"I can't," Mr Gold said.

"You have to," Emma said behind him.

"It's ain't rocket science, buddy. You ever been on a plane before?" The man behind Emma said.

"Have you ever been impaled upon a can before?" Mr Gold said as raised his cane.

Emma grabbed the cane and stopped Mr Gold, looking back at the man behind her, "My... Father's a little nervous. We're headed to a family reunion. Sorry," Emma said.

"Father?" Mr Gold said, confused.

"Come on, Dad, you're holding up the line," Alana said as Amy had her hand over her mouth, chuckling to herself

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"Come on, Dad, you're holding up the line," Alana said as Amy had her hand over her mouth, chuckling to herself.

"Just put your shawl in the bin. I'll help you get through," Emma told Mr Gold.

"If I let this go, I could forget who I am," Mr Gold said.

"I'm not going to let that happen," Emma said.

"Okay," Mr Gold said.

Amy, Alana and Henry were putting on their shoes as they watched as Mr Gold took the shawl off and placed it in the box with his cane. When he does, his hearing became distorted and he stumbled. He walked through the metal detector in almost a trance-like state, grabbing the other side of the machine to steady himself.

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