Chapter 8:

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"Get Erza in here! She's having a panic attack!" Gramps ordered.

Aunt Mira and Aunt Levy ran out of the office as he disabled the spell. In less than a minute, Aunt Erza was in the room, helping Wendy try to calm Mom down. I on the other hand, had no idea what was going on. I stayed in the corner with Ash and Spark, not knowing what to do. I knew I couldn't be of any help, but would only get in everyone's way. Who was this Natsu person? How was he so bad that Mom would panic over remembering him or even mentioning him? What exactly did he do for Mom to react like this?!

Aunt Levy and Aunt Erza eventually just took me out of the room so I wouldn't have to see any more of that. They took me, Spark, and Ash home and stayed with us. We were quiet until I decided that I would break the silence.

"Who is Natsu? Why did Mom act like that when she said his name?" I asked them, hoping they wouldn't give me some lie about it.

"I don't think we should be the ones to answer that, Alaska." Aunt Levy said to me.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried what might happen if I ask Mom or Dad that." I said quietly.

They sighed.

"I guess we can tell you a little, but you will have to ask your dad to tell you the rest. Don't ask your mom. I'm afraid she'll have another panic attack," Aunt Levy said. I agreed with her terms.

"His name is Natsu Dragneel. He's a former member of our guild. He got kicked out after the last mating season, 17 years ago. He did some things to Lucy before the mating season started, and then did some unforgivable things during it too. In which resulted in Master kicking him out. We haven't heard of or from him since. We would have liked to keep it that way, but then this happened." Aunt Erza explained.

"Oh," was all I said.

"Don't blame yourself, Alaska. This wasn't your fault. What the book said just reminded your mother of him," they reassured me.

I nodded and excused myself, going up to my room with Spark and Ash behind me, and the book in my hands. I wasn't in the mood to talk anymore. After a while I looked at the time and saw it was almost dinner time. I wasn't that hungry so I just stayed in my room, putting the book in my bag and petting Spark and Ash. I thought about the things this Natsu guy could have done to mom. It had to be really bad for Mom to react the way she did.

"I wonder what bad things he did for everyone to hate him. And for Gramps to kick him out of the guild. Did he spill some guild secrets?" I asked myself.

Ash jumped out of my arms and suddenly started growling. Spark stood up and started growling too. They changed their sizes, so now they were as big as me, instead of being as small as a cat.

I jumped off my bed, ready to fight what was here. These two wouldn't growl at Aunt Erza or Aunt Levy, or any of the guild members. An outsider was here, in my room. I got into the fighting position Mom taught me.

"Star Dress: Cancer Form!" I said, transforming into a star dress my mother also taught me.

I was wearing an outfit similar to my mom's cancer star dress. The clothes were mostly the same except my sleeves were short. My hair was tied up in two high ponytails. I also had black sneakers on instead of flip flops like Mom, and had two sharp knives instead of twin swords. I couldn't sense anyone in my room, which was frustrating since I knew someone was here. I turned around for a split second to check behind me, and when I did I heard hisses and a couple yelps, and turned back around to see a cloaked figure in front of Spark and Ash, who were on the ground and were being held there by a red force field weighing down on them. With one quick movement, the hooded figure was gone and then appeared right behind me to hit me, but I blocked with my knives.

We fought for a few minutes, as the person kept me on defense the whole time. They were fast, and didn't give me many chances to attack, because their own attacks were insanely quick. This person was short and fast, which made dodging the attacks I could actually hit with, easier. During our fight, I wondered why Aunt Erza and Aunt Levy haven't come upstairs yet, because our fight certainly wasn't quiet. I knew they didn't leave yet, because they would have said so, and would have come up to say goodbye.

The person finally landed a hit I couldn't block in time, and it knocked me out cold. Right before I fell completely unconscious, I saw the person reach for my bag. I tried to yell no, and get up to protect the book that was in it, but I couldn't. I just . . . couldn't. I couldn't carry out the one duty I was given. I failed to protect the book. I failed to protect Spark and Ash even though their job is to protect me instead. Damn it, I . . . failed.

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