Chapter 18:

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"Reiki! I'm glad you want to stay, but didn't you hear what First Master Mavis said? I can kill you at any time if you don't leave," I said to him.

"I know, but I'd rather die than see everyone in pain because of this stupid curse. Especially you." He said quietly.

My eyes softened at his words. "I know. That's what makes it important for you to live. If you die, then everyone would be in even more pain then they already are." I replied.

"Yeah, I guess," he shrugged.

"Well, would you rather see them in pain or be the cause of their pain?" I asked him. He didn't say anything.

"I'd rather see them in pain and be there to comfort them," he said, giving me a smile.

"So then what are you waiting for? Go comfort them. I know exactly how to help two of them," I said, giving him a smug look. He laughed.

"Give them cake," we both said.

He said bye and left. It was actually just me and Loke this time.

"Ugh I'm so bored already! And I'm hungry! The two worst things!" I whined.

Loke laughed. "I don't know how to fix your boredom, but I'll get something from Mira for you to eat."

"Thanks a bunch! I guess I will play around with my magic," I said.

He left and I started making things out of ice. I don't have maker magic but Dad taught me the basics. And I can only make things that have to do with space, since my magic is celestial. That makes it pretty limited but I have some imagination, so I guess it's okay.

"Hm, what should I make?" I ask myself out loud.

I then got an idea. I used my magic to make small stars and place them on the ceiling of the infirmary. I dyed them bright white with my celestial magic. I made so many stars I started forming the zodiac constellations with them. I had covered half of the ceiling with them, and made Leo and Sagittarius constellations, before Loke came back with a chocolate milkshake and some stew.

"Woah. This is awesome, Alaska! I didn't know you could do this with ice magic." He said as he looked at my unfinished work, "and you got the constellations right too! Your mother would love to see this."

"Yeah, she would. Maybe when I'm done, you could take a picture and show her!" I suggested.

"Definitely." He nodded as he pulled over a table to set my food down.

I added more stars and made more constellations as I ate. Loke watched me, interested in the process.

"Hey Alaska," he spoke up. I was already finished my food and was now focusing on my little project, "How about I track down Warren and he can use his telepathy so you and the guild can talk to each other?"

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him.

"That's a great idea! It won't be as great as seeing them but it's as good as I can get. Please do!" I replied.

He nodded and left the infirmary. I told him to bring back a camera too, because I was almost finished with my project. I just had a few more stars to make, and I had to make Gemini's constellation as well, and then it would be completed. Since there are 12 zodiacs, I had to use the walls too. I also made the Ophiuchus constellation. Aunt Yuki taught me that one. She kinda had to, actually. She said that celestial wizards were rare, so her and Mom had agreed to pass on their keys to me when they died. If I don't even know one the zodiac constellations, then I don't think I'm really considered a celestial wizard. Well, inheriting the keys won't do much good now though, if I will still have this curse and can't summon them.

"Yes! Done!" I cheered.

I looked at the clock and saw that this had taken a couple hours to do. Loke came back in, with a camera in his hand.

"Okay, Warren is working on the telepathy connection. I have the camera- woah this is awesome!" He said as he looked at the finished masterpiece.

"I know, right?! This turned out way better than I thought it would be! Mom will love this," I agreed.

"Well then, glad I grabbed a camera," he chuckled a he stepping into the corner of the room to get me into the picture too. I held my hand out and a blue glow appeared. The walls changed and we're tinted blue, and it truly looked like a night sky now. I nodded at him and I heard the snap of the camera. He took the picture out and showed me.

"That looks great! Go show Mom and get her reaction on recording, please." I instructed. He nodded and left.

Little author's note here:
Italics with quotation marks will be the telepathy. Regular italics with be Alaska's thoughts. Sorry if it's confusing.


I heard a voice in my head.

"Dad!" I thought back.

"Yes! It works! Hi Alaska." He said.

"Is Mom there?" I asked him.

"Hi sweetie I'm here." Another voice joined in.

"Alaska," Loke came in again, "Did it work? Are you talking to anyone?"

"Hold on I have to answer Loke's question. Brb."

I turned to Loke. "Yeah it did! I'm talking to my parents. Can anyone else join the connection?" I asked.

"Yep, I'll give you some time with your parents, and then just tell me when you want anyone else to join. I'll be right here." He said, sitting down in a chair that I only just now noticed was even here. I nodded in response and rejoined the telepathy.

"How is everyone? Reiki seemed especially worried." I asked my parents.

"They are a bit depressed, I'm not gonna lie." Dad said.

"Reiki is eating cake with his family right now. He seems the most worried out of your friends. Emma is reading books and will only talk when spoken to, and will sometimes lash out at a random time. Rosemary and Erza are just quiet. Blake and Zeus are quiet as well. They aren't taking it well, in other words," Mom described.

"Yeah . . . I figured," I responded.

"Wait, Did you send Loke out here? He's coming over to me with something in his hand," she told me.

"Yep! I did something while in here and I wanted him to take a picture and show everyone. I think you guys will love it, and it might lift your spirits a little. Just take a look." I told them.

I heard nothing from them through the telepathy link, but I could hear silence, and then oohs and ahhs from outside the door. I smiled. Seems like it really did lift everyone's spirits like I'd hoped. I lay down in my bed and decided to sleep, happy to know that everyone wasn't as depressed anymore.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Sequel: The Dragon's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now